Data Exchange Application (DEXA)

Data Exchange Application logoDEXA is the NCUA’s new web-based data ingest tool used primarily by credit unions and examiners to import credit union member loan and share data provided in compliance with Letter to Credit Unions 03-CU-05 - Expanded AIRES Loan and Share Record Layout.

Some of DEXA’s key features include the ability to easily:

  • Import loan and share data files
  • Upload a data mapping schema for credit union loan and share type codes 
  • Validate the data prior to submitting the file
  • View the status of submitted files 

The NCUA plans to make the system available for broader use in 2021 with the implementation of MERIT. If part of the pilot, log into NCUA Connect to access DEXA.
DEXA: Loan Type Map Template
DEXA: Share Type Map Template
DEXA: Frequently Asked Questions

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