NASA Ames Research Center
Attn: SSERVI Team
Building 17, Room 108
Mail Stop 17-1
Moffett Field, CA 94035

Phone: (650) 604-1850
Fax: (650) 604-1700

Greg Schmidt
Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute
NASA Ames Research Center
Phone number: (650) 604-2611

Kristina Gibbs
Deputy Director
Director of International Partnerships
Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute
(650) 604-0654

If you have science questions, please visit Ask a SSERVI Scientist

NESF2020 – Virtual

LSSW – Virtual

Lunar Landing Workshop

Upcoming Events

SSERVI Team Science

  • 2017 LunGradCon


    The 8th annual Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference, LunGradCon, was held at Ames Research Center on Monday, July 17th.

Did you know?

The lunar surface is both hotter (in daytime) and colder (at night) than any place on Earth.

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