Climate Analysis and Plotting Tools

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Search and Plot PSL Data Example of Search and Plot PSL Data output
Search by variable or dataset from any PSL held dataset
Monthly/Seasonal Maps and Composites: NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis and other datasets Example of Monthly/Seasonal Maps and Composites: NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis and other datasets output
Plots monthly and seasonal composites of variables (mean, anomalies and long-term means). Lat/Lon plots for any desired region, and height cross sections are available
Monthly/Seasonal Maps and Composites: 20th Century Reanalysis Example of Monthly/Seasonal Maps and Composites: 20th Century Reanalysis output
Plot monthly/seasonal composites.
Monthly/Seasonal Maps and Composites: SLP and SST Datasets Example of Monthly/Seasonal Maps and Composites: SLP and SST Datasets output
Plot composites of monthly SLP and SST datasets from 1854 to present. Include Means, anomalies, and climatologies
Monthly/Seasonal Maps and Composites: US Climate Division Dataset (1895-->) Example of Monthly/Seasonal Maps and Composites: US Climate Division Dataset (1895-->) output
Plots monthly and seasonal composites of US Climate Division Data (temperature, precipitation and PDSI). Plots means, long-term means and anomalies and rankings.
WRIT: Reanalysis Intercomparison Tools: Monthly Mapping and Composites Web Page Example of WRIT: Reanalysis Intercomparison Tools: Monthly Mapping and Composites Web Page output
Plot and compare monthly/seasonal composites from different reanalyses and observational datasets including 20th Century Reanalysis
Daily Maps and Composites: NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis and related datasets Example of Daily Maps and Composites: NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis and related datasets output
Plots daily composites and averages over a range of dates of daily data from 1948 to the present. Has features useful for synopticians
Daily Maps and Composites: 20th Century Reanalysis Example of Daily Maps and Composites: 20th Century Reanalysis output
Plot composites of the daily data from the 20th Century Reanalysis
Sub-Daily Maps and Composites: 20th Century Reanalysis Example of Sub-Daily Maps and Composites: 20th Century Reanalysis output
Plot composites of the sub-daily data from the 20th Century Reanalysis
Sub-Daily Maps and Composites: NCEP/NCAR Renalayis: Example of Sub-Daily Maps and Composites: NCEP/NCAR Renalayis:  output
Plot 6-hourly composites from NCEP/NCAR R1 data.
Daily Maps and Composites: North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) Example of Daily Maps and Composites: North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR)  output
Plot composites of the daily data from the NARR. Includes means, anomalies, and climatologies.
Sub-Daily maps and composites: North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) Example of Sub-Daily maps and composites: North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) output
Plot composites of the sub-daily data from the NARR
Monthly/Seasonal Correlations: NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis and other datasets: Example of Monthly/Seasonal Correlations: NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis and other datasets:  output
Plots monthly and seasonal correlations of gridded variable with ocean/atmosphere index time-series like the PNA or ENSO. User can specify their own time-series
Monthly/Seasonal Correlations: US Climate Division Data Example of  Monthly/Seasonal Correlations: US Climate Division Data output
Obtain maps of correlations with monthly mean or seasonal US Climate Division Data. Use provided atmosphere/ocean time-series like PNA or Niña 3.4
Monthly Climate Indices (1948-->) Example of Monthly Climate Indices (1948-->) output
Time-series: Plot monthly ocean/atmospheric time-series.
Monthly Climate Indices: Plot and Analyze(1856-->) Example of Monthly Climate Indices: Plot and Analyze(1856-->) output
Plot and compare monthly climate index timeseries such as the PDO, the NPI, ENSO, and others.
WRIT: : Reanalysis Intercomparison Tools: Monthly Timeseries Plotting and Comparison Page Example of WRIT: : Reanalysis Intercomparison Tools: Monthly Timeseries Plotting and Comparison Page output
Plot and compare monthly timeseries from different reanalyses and observational datasets including 20th Century Reanalysis
US Station Climatologies Example of US Station Climatologies output
Point and Click or text interfaces to United States station data climatologies of temperature, precipitation and other variables where available.
Time-section Plots (Hovmollers): Reanalysis Datasets Example of Time-section Plots (Hovmollers): Reanalysis Datasets output
Plots time-section (time/lat or time/lon) of daily data including the 20th Century Reanalysis
US Station Data (Daily): time series, climatologies, and distributions. Example of US Station Data (Daily): time series, climatologies, and distributions. output
Select US cities by state for data from 1950-1999. Timeseries plots, climatologies and data distributions available for temperature(max,min) and precipitation. Some analysis and statistics available.
NCEP Operational Molde (FNL) Daily Data Plots Example of NCEP Operational Molde (FNL) Daily Data Plots output
Plot daily or daily averaged NCEP Operational Data. User can plot means, anomalies or climatology. Plotting options and regions can be specified.
Time-series: Monthly/Seasonal (ASCII) Example of Time-series: Monthly/Seasonal  (ASCII) output
Obtain Monthly or seasonal time-series data and create plots from a subset of PSL's datasets
WRIT: Reanalysis Intercomparison Tools: Trajectory Calculation Tool Example of WRIT:  Reanalysis Intercomparison Tools: Trajectory Calculation Tool output
Plot and compare monthly/seasonal composites from different reanalyses and observational datasets including 20th Century Reanalysis
Climate Change Web Portal Example of Climate Change Web Portal output
Plot maps and timeseries of selected variables from the CMIP5 archive
Time-series: Daily Time Series Extraction from reanalyses Example of Time-series: Daily Time Series Extraction from reanalyses output
Extract daily timeseries from several reanalysis datasets and climate indicies. Obtain highest/lowest values
Time-Series: Sub-Daily Time Series Extraction from Reanalyses Example of Time-Series: Sub-Daily Time Series Extraction from Reanalyses output
Extract subdaily timeseries from several reanalysis datasets. Obtain highest/lowest values
ENSO Climate Impacts Comparisons Example of ENSO Climate Impacts Comparisons output
Displays El Niño and La Niña averages of different climate variables for winter and summer and for the entire globe or just the US.
ENSO Climate Risks Example of ENSO Climate Risks output
Displays historical seasonal United States temperature/precipitation odds during El Niño or La Niña events
EP Flux Plots and Animations from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Example of EP Flux Plots and Animations from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis output
Plot EP Flux for a range of day(s)from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis and animate recent EP Flux values
Distributions: Plot distributions of daily climate data Example of Distributions: Plot distributions of daily climate data output
Plot distributions and fit selected distribution models of daily data from reanalyses including the20th Century Reanalysis and observed datasets.
Plot Animator: Create custom animations Example of Plot Animator: Create custom animations output
Create custom animations from gridded datasets.
Facility for Climate Assessemnts: FACTS Example of Facility for Climate Assessemnts: FACTS output
Examine and compare climate model data