Stories & Media

  • Photo of the previous signing of water agreement ceremony.

    Indian Water Rights Settlement Signing Ceremony

    Secretary Jewell will participate in a signing ceremony and celebration of four recent Indian water rights settlements representing nine tribes with tribal members and members of Congress. The ceremony will be this Friday, January 13th from 9:00 - 10:00am EST. A livestream of the ceremony will be available. Read More  →

  • Photo of the Provo Area Office receiving the 2016 Federal Energy & Water Management Award.

    Reclamation's Provo Area Office in Utah Recognized with the 2016 Federal Energy & Water Management Award

    The Bureau of Reclamation’s Provo Area Office in Utah earned three awards in 2016, demonstrating the Bureau’s commitment to environmental sustainability and excellence. These included the Department of the Interior’s Environmental Achievement Award (Building the Future Award), the Federal Energy and Water Management Award, and Interior's Customer Service Award (Water Project Coordinator Initiative). Read More  →

  • Len Schilling Named Reclamation’s Lower Colorado Dams Area Office Manager

    Photo of Len Schilling

    Reclamation’s Lower Colorado Regional Director Terry Fulp has announced the selection of Len Schilling as the Area Manager of the Lower Colorado Dams Office (LCDO). As the LCDO Area Manager, Schilling will provide management and operational oversight for Hoover, Davis and Parker Dams and their associated facilities in delivering water to Nevada, Arizona, California and Mexico and providing clean, renewable hydropower. Hoover Dam is also recognized as a national icon with nearly a million visitors to the site every year. Read More →

  • Old map of Central Valley Project

    Reclamation Announces Water Management Plan Standard Criteria Revision for 2017

    The Bureau of Reclamation has updated the Standard Criteria for evaluating its Water Management Plans in response to the Central Valley Project Improvement Act of 1992 and in accordance with the Reclamation Reform Act of 1982. The purpose of the Standard Criteria are to promote the highest efficiency of water delivery. Section 210 of the Reclamation Reform Act requires contractors to prepare and submit Water Management Plans every five years with definite goals, delivery timetables and appropriate water conservation measures. Section 3405(e) of the CVPIA requires the Standard Criteria be reviewed every three years and revised if necessary. With no additional requirements set for 2017, the updated criteria will become effective Feb.1 following public review. Read More →

  • Bureau of Reclamation Launches Prize Challenge to Seek Solutions for Improving Weather Forecast Predictions

    Poster image forprize challenge, Sub-Seasonal Climate Forecast Rodeo

    The Bureau of Reclamation is launching a new prize challenge, Sub-Seasonal Climate Forecast Rodeo, to ask solvers to improve existing sub-seasonal forecasts and to develop systems that perform demonstratively better than the existing baseline forecast for predicting temperature and precipitation over a 15 to 42-day time frame. If there are winners of this prize challenge, they will share up to $800,000 in prize money. Solvers of this prize challenge will have three months to develop their system, at which point they are asked to provide forecasts every two weeks over a 13-month period, with the first month being a "pre-season" to become familiar with the submission and evaluation processes. Read More →

  • Bureau of Reclamation Releases Water Markets Report

    Cover of  Water Markets Report document

    The Department of the Interior and the Bureau of Reclamation have released a report reviewing the role of Reclamation in water markets. For decades, water users in the West have used many different approaches to address water needs particular to their location. In some instances, these approaches have created market conditions in which buyers and sellers voluntarily trade water rights. Such water market transactions can often involve Reclamation facilities. This new report, “Water marketing activities within the Bureau of Reclamation,” highlights the ways Reclamation has partnered with water users to enable such transactions. The report reviews a series of case studies which illustrate a tremendous amount of locally-led innovation. Read More →

  • Bureau of Reclamation Launches Two Prize Challenges Seeking Solutions to Expand Usable Water Supplies

    Cover of Knowledge Stream Fall 2016 Issue

    The Bureau of Reclamation is launching two new prize challenges, Arsenic Sensor Challenge and More Water, Less Concentrate. This is the first stage for each challenge. Subsequent stages with larger prize purses are planned for testing and demonstrating the most promising technologies. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency contributed significant efforts to the design of this prize competition, and Xylem Inc., a global water technology company, became a co-sponsor through its contribution to the prize purse. The Indian Health Service, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Agricultural Research Service, and the U.S. Geological Survey collaborated on various aspects of the development of this challenge. Read More →

  • Around Reclamation in 2016 - The Bureau of Reclamation had a busy year in 2016, with celebrations of major milestones, maintenance of its facilities, habitat improvement projects, and C.A.S.T. for Kids events. Take a glimpse at some of the activities. Read More  →


Projects & Places

Recreation & Public Use

Reclamation Recreation Map Reclamation Land Use

The public may apply to use Reclamation land, facilities, and waterbodies, and may engage in the use only after proper authorization is received from Reclamation. Use authorizations are not required for permitted public recreational use of recreation areas and facilities open to the public. Read More →

Reclamation Recreation Map Reclamation Recreation Website

Reclamation projects have created a variety of recreation opportunities on the rivers downstream from the dams, including world class whitewater rafting and fishing opportunities. Read More →

Reclamation Recreation Map helps you discover and book trips at Reclamation facilities and at all of America's public places. Read More →

New Web Template New Web Design Conversion in Progess

Reclamation is still in the implementation phase of a new web design for it's external internet websites. The new design utilizes a responsive layout to make the Bureau's web pages more user friendly on mobile devices. The thousands of existing Reclamation web pages will be converted over the coming months. During the interim period, you may find pages in the previous format. We appreciate your patience as we complete this process.

Statement of Project Construction Cost and Repayment Statements Are Available from Reclamation

Reclamation has been accumulating construction cost and repayment data since the first reimbursable project began and created the Statement of Project Construction Cost and Repayment (SPCCR) to capture cost and repayment data by project, for internal use only. However, these are now available by request. Read More →

Last Updated: 1/12/17