Child and Adult Care Food Program

Each day, more than 4.2 million children and 130,000 adults receive nutritious meals and snacks each day through the Child and Adult Care Food Program.

Each day, more than 4.2 million children and 130,000 adults receive nutritious meals and snacks each day through the Child and Adult Care Food Program.

Who is Eligible to Participate in CACFP?

Child Care Centers

Are you a program operator caring and serving meals to children? If so, you may be eligible to participate in CACFP and receive reimbursements for serving healthy meals and snacks to children. Eligible public or private nonprofit child care centers, outside-school-hours care centers, Head Start programs, and other institutions which are licensed or approved to provide day care services may participate in CACFP, independently or as sponsored centers. Contact your state agency for more information.

Adult Day Care Centers

Are you a program operator providing nonresidential care to adults? If so, you may be eligible to participate in CACFP and receive reimbursements for serving healthy meals and snacks to adults. Public or private nonprofit adult day care facilities which provide structured, comprehensive services to nonresidential adults who are functionally impaired, or aged 60 and older, may participate in CACFP as independent or sponsored centers. Contact your state agency for more information.


Handbook - Monitoring Handbook for State Agencies

Monitoring Handbook for State Agencies

The CACFP helps institutions and facilities serve well-balanced, nutritious meals to the participants in their care and this handbook provides details for administering the CACFP.

Building for the Future with CACFP Flyer

Building for the Future

This is a flyer for the Child and Adult Care Food Program; meals served by CACFP must meet nutrition requirements established by the USDA.