Instructions for RUS Form 200


This form is used for generating plant construction or for the furnishing and installation of major items of equipment.


This contract form also requires the addition of a number of attachments in order to form a complete contract.  See RUS Bulletin 1726I-602, Attachments to Electric Program Standard Contract Forms, for additional information.


The instructions for submitting this form (if required) are included in 7 CFR 1726, Electric System Construction Policies and Procedures.

Notice and Instructions to Bidders (to be completed by the Owner/Engineer before release for bid.)

Fld Name /
Item No.


Paragraph 1

First Blank:  Enter the Owner’s name.

Second Blank:  Enter the Owner’s RUS designation (e.g., AL001)

Third through Sixth Blanks:  Enter the time and date of the bid opening.

Seventh Blank:  Enter the Owner’s address.

Eighth and Ninth Blanks:  Indicate whether the bids will be publicly opened and read (Formal Competitive Bidding) or privately opened (Informal Competitive Bidding.)

Paragraph 2

First and Second Blanks:  Enter the Engineer’s name and address.

Third Blank:  Enter amount bidder must pay to obtain necessary documents.  (If they are provided without charge, enter “0” or “None”)

Paragraph 10

Enter objective, monetary evaluation factors that will be considered in the evaluation of the bids.

Signature Block

Enter Owner’s name, title, and date.  (Sign printed copy.)



Fld Name /
Item No.


First Blank

Owner or Bidder enters Owner’s name.

Article 1, Section 1

First, Third, Fifth, and Seventh Blanks:  Owner or Bidder enters the name of the item(s) to be constructed.

Second, Fourth, Sixth, and Eighth Blanks:  Bidder enters the bid price(s) of the item(s) to be constructed.

Article I, Section 3

Owner enters the documents that constitute the complete contract.

Article I, Section 5

Bidder enters the Contractor’s License information as indicated.

Article II, Section 1.a

Owner enters the schedule information indicated.

Article III, Sections 1b. and 1 c.

Owner enters the interest rate as indicated in the footnotes.

Article V, Section 2

Owner enters the daily Liquidated Damages amount.

Article VI, Section 6a.

Bidder enters the EEO information indicated.

Article VI, Section 10

Owner indicates whether the contract requires RUS approval (see 7 CFR 1726 for criteria.)

Signature Block

Bidder enters Bidder’s name, address, and date.  (Sign printed copy.)


Acceptance (to be completed by the Owner)

Fld Name /
Item No.


First Blank

Enter successful bidder’s name.

Second Blank

Enter a description of the contract scope.

Third Blank

Enter the total contract price.

Signature Block

Enter Owner’s name and contract date.  (Sign printed copy.)