Instructions for RUS Form 168c


This form is used in lieu of RUS Form 168b to obtain a surety bond when contractor's surety has accepted a Small Business Administration guarantee.


The instructions for submitting this form (if required) are included in 7 CFR 1726, Electric System Construction Policies and Procedures.


Fld Name /
Item No.


Paragraph 1

First Blank:  Enter name of the principal (i.e., contractor.)

Second Blank:  Enter the name of the surety.

Third Blank:  Enter name of RUS Borrower (Owner).

Forth Blank:  Enter Borrower’s (Owner’s) RUS designation (e.g., AL001.)

Fifth and Sixth Blanks:  Enter the dollar amount of the bond.

Seventh Blank:  Enter the date of the construction contract.

Signature Block

Enter the date and names and titles of the principal (contractor) and the surety and the address of the surety.  (Sign printed copy.)