Federal Aviation Administration

All Information for Operators (InFOs)

2012 InFOs

Number Title
12016 (PDF) InFO 12016, Reduced Longitudinal Separation Minimum (RLongSM) Trial for uploading
12015 (PDF) InFO 12015, Classifying and Using a Belly Band System as a Portable Safety Device (PSD) in Part 133 Operations
12014 (PDF) InFO 2014,"Climb Via" Phraseology for the Assignment of Route Transitions and/or Standard Instrument Departure (SID) and Area Navigation (RNAV) SID Procedures
12013 (PDF) InFO 2013, Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2012-11-09 on Lavatory Oxygen Installation
12012 (PDF) InFO 12012, Use of Passenger-Provided Seat Belt Extenders
12011 (PDF) InFO 12011, Engineered Materials Arresting System, (EMAS)
12010 (PDF) InFO 12010, Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS II) Version 7.1.
12009 (PDF) InFO 12009, Magnetic Variation Differences Between Ground-Based Navigational Aid (NAVAID) Instrument Flight Procedures (IFP), Area Navigation (RNAV) IFPs, and RNAV Systems.
12008 (PDF) InFO 12008, Use of Corrective Lenses and Possession of a Spare Set of Lenses
12007 (PDF) InFO 12007, Instrument Landing System (ILS) Fluctuations Caused by Movement through the ILS Critical Area.
12006 (PDF) InFO 12006, Flight Identification (FLT ID) Entry Errors During Flight Management System (FMS) Initialization or Transponder Input Causing Air Traffic Control (ATC) Surveillance Anomalies.
12005 (PDF) InFO 12005, Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) Part 121, § 121.703 "Service Difficulty Reports"
12004 (PDF) InFO 12004, Envirotainer RKNe1 Active Unit Load Device (ULD)
12003 (PDF) InFO 12003, Differences between United States and Canadian Air Traffic Control (ATC) Phraseology on Standard Terminal Arrivals (STAR)
12002 (PDF) InFO 12002, Category I (CAT I) 1800 Runway Visual Range (RVR), Special Authorization Category I (SA CAT I) and Special Authorization Category II (SA CAT II) Instrument Landing System (ILS) Approaches
12001 (PDF) InFO 12001, Flight Planning Responsibilities When Conducting Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) Operations

2011 InFOs

Number Title
11019 (PDF) InFO 11019, Air Carrier Safety and Pilot Training (ACSPT) Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) Charter and Report
11018 (PDF) InFO 11018, Clarification of the Part 135 Transponder Equipage Requirement
11017 (PDF) InFO 11017, Accessible-Lavatory Requirements of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) Part 382, Subpart E
11016 (PDF) InFo 11016, Common Pilot Type Rating between the B-777 and B-787
11015 (PDF) InFo 11015, Runway Construction and Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) Messages
11014 (PDF) InFo 11014, Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) Parts 91, 121, 125 and 135 Retention of Pilot Records for the Pilot Records Database (PRD)
11013 (PDF) InFo 11013, 2011-2012 Holdover Times Tables (HOT)
11012 (PDF) InFo 11012, Transponder/Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) Operations While on the Airport Surface
11011 (PDF) InFO 11011, The Apple iPad and Other Suitable Tablet Computing Devices as Electronic Flight Bags (EFB)
11010 (PDF) InFO 11010, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Safety Management System (SMS) Developments for General Aviation (GA) Operators
11009 (PDF) InFO 11009, Failure to Comply with Minimum Crossing Altitudes at Stepdown Fixes Located on Instrument Landing System (ILS) Inbound Courses
11008 (PDF) InFO 11008, FAA 2010-2011 Ground Deicing Holdover Time Tables and Guidance Update
NOTE: The changes to the 2010-2011 Holdover Times were uploaded February 1st, however the effective date for the changes are January 5th, 2011.
11007 (PDF) InFO 11007, Regulatory Requirements Regarding Accommodation of Child Restraint Systems - Update
11006 (PDF) InFO 11006, Inflatable Seat Belts
11005 (PDF) InFO 11005,Updates to U.S. Prohibitions, Restrictions, and Notices Website regarding Sensitive International Areas
11004 (PDF) InFO 11004, Enhanced Flight Vision System (EFVS), Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS), and Night Vision Goggles (NVG) compatibility with Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) at airports and on obstacles
11003 (PDF) InFO 11003, Pilot’s Roles and Responsibilities During Visual Approaches
11002 (PDF) InFO 11002, Smoke/Fumes in the Cabin/Cockpit of Transport Category Aircraft
11001 (PDF) InFO 11001, Seat Belt Use and Passenger Injuries in Turbulence

2010 InFOs

Number Title
10024 (PDF) InFO 10024, Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) Certificate Requirement for Pilots in Part 121 Operations
10023 (PDF) InFO 10023, Aircraft Wheel Assembly and Multiple Tie Bolt Failures
10022 (PDF) InFO 10022, Aging Aircraft Safety Rule (AASR)
10021 (PDF) InFO 10021, Improved Seat Rule 14 CFR 121.311(j)
10020 (PDF) InFO 10020, Air Carrier Compliance with Public Law 111-216 for Submission of the Air Carrier’s Fatigue Risk Management Plan (FRMP)
10018 (PDF) InFO 10018, Termination of www.opspecs.com operations effective August 31, 2010.
10017 (PDF) InFO 10017, Fatigue Risk Management Plans (FRMP) for Part 121 Air Carriers – Part Two
10017SUP (PDF) InFO 10017 SUP, Fatigue Risk Management Plans (FRMP) for Part 121 Air Carriers – Part Two
10016 (PDF) InFO 10016, Datalink Communications Recording Requirements -- Clarification
10015 (PDF) InFO 10015, Bombardier CL-600-1A11 (CL-600), Cl-600-2A12 (CL-601, and CL-600-2B16 (CL-601-2A, CL-601-3R, and CL-604) Mistrim Takeoffs
10014 (PDF) InFO 10014, Phraseology change in Air Traffic "Taxi Into Position And Hold" (TIPH) Instruction
10014SUP (PDF) InFO 10014 SUP, Phraseology change in Air Traffic "Taxi Into Position And Hold" (TIPH) Instruction
10013 (PDF) InFO 10013, Fatigue Risk Management Plans (FRMP) for Part 121 Air Carriers – Part One
10012 (PDF) InFO 10012, Operations Conducted Outside of the U.S. Under Special Flight Authorizations or Special Flight Permits with Continuous Authorizations to Conduct Ferry Flights
10011 (PDF) InFO 10011, Phraseology change in Air Traffic movement Area Clearances
10011SUP (PDF) InFO 10011 SUP, Phraseology change in Air Traffic movement Area Clearances
10010 (PDF) InFO 10010, Enhanced Upset Recovery Training
10009 (PDF) InFO 10009, Passenger Compliance with Crewmember Safety Instructions Regarding the Use of Portable Electronic Devices (PED)
10008 (PDF) InFO 10008, Inadvertent Selection of Concentrically-Centered Controls
10007 (PDF) InFO 10007,Reporting "Glass Cockpit" Malfunctions on General Aviation (GA) Aircraft
10006 (PDF) InFO 10006, Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) Policy Letters
10005 (PDF) InFO 10005, IOSA Auditor Flight Deck Access Request Information for 14 CFR Part 121 Air Carriers
10004 (PDF) InFO 10004, New Accident Reporting Requirement to the National Transportation Safety Board
10003 (PDF) InFO 10003, Cockpit Distractions
10002 (PDF) InFO 10002, Industry Best Practices Reference List
10002SUP (PDF) InFO 10002SUP, Industry Best Practices Reference List
10001 (PDF) InFO 10001, Safety concerns of amateur-built experimental Lancair and other amateur built airplanes possessing high wing loading and stall speeds in excess of 61 knots

2009 InFOs

Number Title
09019 (PDF) ICAO Standardized Certified True Copy of Air Operator Certificates
09018 (PDF) Stowage of Items in Seat Pockets
09017 (PDF) First-Class Medical Certificates for Second-in-Command (SIC) Pilots Operating Globally
09016 (PDF) Identifying Small Amounts of Frost, Snow, Ice or Slush on Aircraft and the Effects on Aircraft Control and Performance
09015 Safety Concerns of Lancair Amateur-Built Experimental Airplanes NOTE: InFO 09015 has been RECALLED
09014 (PDF) Portable Electronic Devices (Credit Card Readers)
09013 (PDF) Separation of Engine-Fan Cowl on Certain Aircraft During Flight
09012 (PDF) Painting of Pitot Tubes
09011 (PDF) Cirrus SR-22 Model Airplane’s, Pilot’s Operating Handbook and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)-Approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplement (AFMS)
09010 (PDF) Availability of a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) In-flight Firefighting Training Video
09009 (PDF) Installation and Approval of Transponder Systems in Gliders/Sailplanes
09008 (PDF) Current Inspection Programs Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 91 § 91.409(f)(3)
09007 (PDF) Pilot Training and Checking Under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) Parts 61, 91, 91 Subpart K (91K), 121, 135, 141, and/or 142.
09006 (PDF) Department of Transportation (DOT) Final Rule "Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Air Travel" and the Use of Respiratory Assistive Devices on Aircraft
09005 Superseded by Info 09007
09004 (PDF) Interim Master Minimum Equipment Lists (MMEL) and Minimum Equipment Lists (MEL) Processes
09003 (PDF) Critical Design Configuration Control Limitations (CDCCL)
09002 (PDF) Regulatory Requirements Regarding Accommodation of Child Restraint Systems
09001 Superseded by Info 09002

2008 InFOs

Number Title
08055 (PDF) Flammability of Airline Blankets
08054 (PDF) Towbar and Towbarless (Super Tug) Towing of Aircraft
08053 (PDF) FAA Safety Management System (SMS) developments – No. 2
08052 (PDF) Potential shortage of potassium acetate (KAc)-based runway deicer fluid (RDF) for the 2008/09 winter season
08051 Superseded by InFO 09019
08050 (PDF) Ceiling sometimes required for dispatch or flight release under 121.613
08049 (PDF) Preventing Wrong Runway Takeoffs
08048 Superseded by InFO 08051
08047 (PDF) Compilation of FSAW 94-32C (PDF), FSAW 94-41 (PDF), FSAW 95-09E (PDF), FSAW 97-09 (PDF), FSAW 98-04 D (PDF) and FSAW 02-03A (PDF)
08046 (PDF) Pilots under age 40, airman’s medical certificate duration periods extended
08045 (PDF) MD-11 Airplane Training Programs - Simulator Instruction in the Proper Operating Procedure for Autopilot Disengagement and Subsequent Manual Control of the Airplan
08044 (PDF) Boeing DC-10 Airplane, All Series - Potential for Airplane Upsets Caused by Faulty Control Wheel Steering Sensor Input and Potential for Overshoots in Upset Recovery
08043 (PDF) Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT) Training
08042 (PDF) Vertical Speed Indicator: Knowledge Needed By Pilot
08041 (PDF) Checklist Review
08040 (PDF) Emphasis on Load Manifest
08039 (PDF) Responding to a TCAS resolution advisory (RA) – Fly the RA
08038 (PDF) Acknowledgement of Altitude Clearances and Altitude Read Back
08037 (PDF) Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) parts 121 and 135 line check airmen surveillance requirements
08036 (PDF) Teterboro, New Jersey, TEB-5 SID
08035 (PDF) Announcement of FAA Order 8900.1 Change 22
08034 (PDF) Design and Content of Checklists for In-Flight Smoke, Fire and Fumes (SFF)
08033 (PDF) High Altitude Icing Conditions
08032 (PDF) Non-Routine Flight Operations (NRFO)
08031 (PDF) Weight and Balance Control Methods: Auxiliary Performance Computer
08030 (PDF) In-flight Notification to Flightcrew of Possible Baggage/Cargo Contamination from Hazardous Materials Spills
08029 (PDF) Approach and Landing Accident Reduction (ALAR): Recommended Flightcrew Training
08028 Cancelled by AFS-220
08027 (PDF) Approach Preparation: Preparing for an Instrument Approach as Backup in Night VMC or Whenever IMC May Be Encountered
08026 (PDF) Compliance with Flight Dispatch Communications for Flag Air Carriers, 14 CFR section 121.99; OpSpec A008
08025 Cancelled by AFS-220
08024 (PDF) Ice Accretion Information in METAR/SPECI
08023 (PDF) Suitability of the SR-20/22 Pitot-Static System for 14 CFR Part 135 IFR Passenger Carrying Operations
08022 (PDF) FAA Safety Management System (SMS) developments – No. 1
08021 (PDF) New guidance for sign-off by part 119 designated management personnel for Voluntary Disclosure Reporting Program (VDRP) submissions
08020 (PDF) Pilot Records Improvement Act – bankruptcy and shutdown, or liquidation
08019 (PDF) 14 CFR Part 135 Extended Operations (ETOPS) Guidance
08018 (PDF) Compilation of FSAT 99-12 (PDF), FSAT 00-03 (PDF), FSAT 00-08 (PDF), FSAT 00-16A (PDF) and FSAT 01-04 (PDF)
08017 (PDF) Compilation of FSAT 94-06 (PDF), FSAT 94-08 (PDF), FSAT 95-01 (PDF), FSAT 95-13 (PDF), FSAT 95-20 (PDF), FSAT 99-12 (PDF), FSAT 96-06 (PDF) and FSAT 98-16 (PDF)
08016 (PDF) Flight Attendant Certificate of Demonstrated Proficiency: Information on the Web
08015 (PDF) Flight Crewmembers Exceeding Flight Time Limitations
08014 (PDF) Minimum Crew Requirements for Boarding and Presence of Federal Air Marshals
08013 (PDF) Change in Canadian ATC Taxi Phraseology - LINE UP/LINE UP AND WAIT
08012 (PDF) International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Language Proficiency Requirements NOTE: InFO 08012 is canceled. It's information is being incorporated into Advisory Circular (AC) 60-28, and has been incorporated into FSIMS Volume 5, Chapter 2, Section 5
08011 (PDF) Extension to Part 135 Extended Operations (ETOPS) Compliance Date
08010 (PDF) Commercial Air Tour Flight Monitoring Program
08009 (PDF) Commercial Air Tour Operator Flight and Manifest Documentation
08008 Superceded by InFO 08012
08007 (PDF) Runway incursions reducing pilot deviations; Outreach Action Plan revised
08006 (PDF) Prompt recognition of TCAS functionality issues
08005 (PDF) Part 135 Operational Control Questions and Answers (Q&A)
08004 (PDF) Comparison of Minimum Fuel, Emergency Fuel and Reserve Fuel
08003 Superseded by InFO 08007
08002 (PDF) Nonessential Equipment and Furnishings (NEF) Program Guidance
08001 (PDF) Age 65 law - One-stop shopping for Qs and As

2007 InFOs

Number Title
07023 Two Legal Interpretations Regarding the Age 65 Law Effective 12/13/2007, Superseded by InFO 08001
07022 (PDF) Cochlear Implants Exempt from Rules Regarding "Portable Electronic Devices"
07021 President Today Signed Age 65 Into Law, Affecting Pilots Under Part 121, Superseded by InFO 08001
07020 (PDF) Flight Attendant Certification
07019 (PDF) Flight Standards Information Management System (FSIMS) Open for Business
07018 (PDF) Taxi Clearances: Know the Rules, Understand Your Clearance
07017 Encouraging the Use of Cockpit Voice Recorders During Ground Functional Tests Superseded by SAFO 08002
07016 (PDF) PHMSA Guidance on the Carriage of Batteries and Battery-Powered Devices
07015 (PDF) Flight Risk Assessment Tool
07014 (PDF) First-Class Medical Certificate Requirements for SICs in Flag or Supplemental Operations
07013 (PDF) Flotation Equipment for In-Lap Children (Revised)
07012 (PDF) Accommodating Approved Harness-Type Child Restraint Systems (CRS)
07011 (PDF) Altitude and Speed Constraints in Area Navigation (RNAV) Procedures
07010 (PDF) Eurocopter AS 350 and AS 355ESerrated Lock Washers
07009 (PDF) Runway Lights Required For Night Takeoffs in Part 121
07008 (PDF) Precipitation Reports From ATCNew Terms
07007 (PDF) DOT Manual for Quarantinable Diseases
07006 (PDF) Flight Attendant Certificate of Demonstrated Proficiency
07005 (PDF) Taxi Into Position and Hold (TIPH)--Guidance for Pilots
07004 (PDF) New ETOPS Regulation
07003 (PDF) Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) Accessibility and Carriage
07002 (PDF) Position Errors Using the High-Latitude VORTAC at Thule, Greenland
07001 (PDF) Noise Attenuation Properties of Noise-Canceling Headsets

2006 InFOs

Number Title
06005 (PDF) TCAS--Phantom TAs near U.S. Navel Vessels in Harbors
06004 (PDF) Maneuvers Away From Planned Track in Oceanic Airspace
06003 Superseded by InFO 08048
06002 Superseded by InFO 06003
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) requirements to carry a certified true copy of the air operator certificate (AOC)
06001 (PDF) Introducing InFOs

Page Last Modified: 09/17/12 14:04 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/other_visit/aviation_industry/airline_operators/airline_safety/info/all_infos/