In the News

In the News is a collection of news stories about aging and disability issues, as well as news stories about ACL and ACL programs.

All of these links ultimately take you to external news websites. The information in the articles does not necessarily reflect the positions of ACL or the federal government, and ACL does not endorse the content of the articles or the publishing organizations. 

December 16, 2020
Disability Scoop (12/16, Boyd) reports the COVID-19 crisis “has been especially hard on families caring for children with disabilities,” with many losing “in-person support from teachers, aides, therapists, family members and home health workers.” Ten months into the thick of the pandemic some “families hav
December 15, 2020
Philanthropy News Digest (December 15) Donations soar but nonprofits struggle to meet COVID-related needs
December 15, 2020
CNN (12/15, Heyward, Willingham) reports “the newly-approved Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is slowly making its way across the US.” However, “those eagerly waiting their turn need to beware of dangerous scams and misinformation about the vaccine’s distribution.” A number of “government organizations have warned a
December 15, 2020
Families Sue Upscale California Dementia Care Facility Over COVID-19 Deaths. The Los Angeles Times (12/15, Ryan) reports, “Relatives of three residents and a nurse who died following a coronavirus outbreak at an upscale Westside care facility for dementia patients are suing the home” because owner
December 14, 2020
The Washington Post (12/14, Searing) reports that new research suggests “people who are sedentary for as much as 10.5 hours a day – while stuck at home during a pandemic, for instance – are at greater risk of ill health and earlier-than-normal death than people who are more active.” The findings were “publi
December 14, 2020
The New York Times (12/14, Mandavilli) reports older Americans “are pivotal to the success of the [COVID-19] vaccination campaign now rolling out across the United States.” But, for many individuals, “the prospect of receiving a new vaccine for a new virus is daunting.” Some people incorrectly worry “that t
December 14, 2020
Writing for Forbes (12/14), contributors Ken Dychtwald and Bob Morison discuss what it takes “to live well in retirement,” stressing the need for “a strong sense of purpose in life.” The authors write, “Whether the focus is inner development, family relationships, or social contribution, purpose itself pays
December 14, 2020
The New York Times (12/14, Bakalar) reports that “living alone or being socially isolated may increase the risk for falls in older people,” according to a study that “included data on 4,013 men and women, most older than 60.” Researchers “used well-validated questionnaires to assign each participant a score

Last modified on 05/21/2020

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