Fire safety outreach materials for people with disabilities

The U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) reviews and collects resources that can be used in public outreach activities to help keep people with disabilities safe from home fires. Our free materials are yours to use when educating these community members about the importance of practicing home fire safety.

Outreach materials from the U.S. Fire Administration

Statistics to share

Each year:

Fire safety messages to share

Millions of Americans live with physical and mental disabilities.  It is important for them to know the steps they can take to stay safe from fire. Put these fire safety messages into your own words when talking to people with disabilities about fire safety.

Understand your fire risk

Install and maintain smoke alarms

Live near an exit

Plan your escape

Don't isolate yourself

Social media messages and images to share

Copy and paste these messages to your social media accounts and ask your followers to share.


Help increase awareness about home fire safety & people with disabilities. Free outreach materials at


Every year there are approximately 2,400 home fires involving people with disabilities. Help increase awareness about home fire safety and people with disabilities with the free outreach materials at

Click on or touch an image below to display its full size and save it to your device.


think about your needs
can you hear your alarm?


think about your needs
can you hear your alarm

Fire Prevention and Public Education Exchange

The Exchange serves as a centralized location for national, state and local fire prevention and life safety practices and public education materials that organizations may wish to share with other communities. Visit the Exchange

Model Exchange programs for people with disabilities

USFA would like to call special attention to these innovative fire prevention programs that have measurable impact and outcome measures.

Outreach materials from other organizations

USFA recommends the following organizations as trusted and reliable sources for free outreach materials you can use to help increase awareness about fire safety for people with disabilities in your community.

Michael H. Minger Foundation. Downloadable resources to increase awareness about campus fire safety for students with disabilities, including posters, handouts, videos, lesson plans and guides for fire safety educators and resident advisors.
The Michael H. Minger Foundation works to raise the awareness and standards of campus fire safety for all students and also address fire safety issues specific to students with disabilities.

National Fire Protection Association. Free educational materials, including an emergency evacuation planning guide, public service announcement and fire safety brochure for people with disabilities.
The National Fire Protection Association helps to reduce fire loss through consensus codes and standards, research, training and education.

More fire safety resources for people with disabilities