
The MilOps Domain provides a catalogue of data components necessary to support improved data interoperability between DOD and mission partners for operations.


The MilOps Domain is stewarded by the Joint Staff, as requested by the DOD Chief Information Officer (CIO). A MilOps Domain Configuration and Control Board (MilOps CCB) was formally stood up in March 2014. The MilOps CCB manages domain content and addresses technical issues arising from the development of Information Exchange Package Documentations (IEPDs) using MilOps Domain Content.

Explore MilOps model content

Military Operations Word Cloud
This word cloud shows the most commonly used Military Operations domain elements in the NIEM data model

The MilOps data components concentrate on information exchange requirements primarily from the DOD Joint Capability Areas including: Force Support, Battlespace Awareness, Force Application, Logistics, Command, Control, Communications, Protection, Net-Centric, and Building Partnerships.

Download the current release which includes updates to MilOps model content. MilOps also has non-public DoD Distribution C content (namespace: MOMS) that can be requested through the Domain Steward Representative.

The MilOps domain in action

In 2016, DoD created the Warfighter Mission Area Architecture Federation and Integration Portal (WMAAFIP), an open source, centralized hub for architecture information on all of DoD’s capabilities. NIEM enabled DoD to share its architecture data dictionaries in a single, simplified, integrated view. Now, with information in a standardized structure and format, DoD can analyze and share information more effectively—even as DoD’s capabilities evolve and grow.

In 2014, the U.S. Army won a Best of NIEM award for their Tactical Infrastrcutre Enterprise Services Coalition Warfare Program (TIES CWP). TIES CWP used NIEM to improve interoperability and information sharing between the U.S. and coalition partners.

Learn more about this project and others on the Success Stories page.

Get involved: Join the All Partners Access Network (APAN)

The MilOps Domain workspace is on APAN – a collaboration site hosted by DOD. An APAN account is needed to access APAN, and can be created on the APAN sign in page. Once you have an APAN account, request access to the NIEM MilOps workspace.*

For questions or to request domain membership, point of contact information is listed on MilOps Domain workspace on APAN.