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United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Contact Us


Office Interest Contact
Administration General Information 202-493-6014
Chief Counsel Legislation, Regulation, Litigation & Enforcement, FOIA Requests Envelope Email Chief Counsel | How to Make a FOIA Request
Human Resources Human Resources, Information Technology, Acquisition Current Vacancies
Communications Media Inquiries, Marketing, Correspondence 

Envelope Email Public Affairs | 202-493-6024


Governmental Affairs Constituent Correspondence  Envelope Email Governmental Affairs | 202-493-6317
Railroad Policy & Development

Financial and technical assistance for Amtrak, high-speed intercity passenger and freight rail, environmental reviews, national rail planning, policy analysis, railroad technology research and development

Envelope Email Railroad Policy & Development
Railroad Safety Train Horn Rule, Accident/Incident, Grade Crossing, Hours of Service, Alleged Violations, Positive Train Control (PTC), Signal and Train Control

Envelope Email Safety

Safety Management Teams 

Financial Management Chief Financial Officer, Grants, Financial Services, Budget


Envelope Email CFO

 Webmaster Website related issues

Envelope Email Webmaster

Last updated: Wednesday, June 17, 2020