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TIC S-Form and Instructions

Form and Instructions:
  • Form S PDF icon, Foreigners' Purchases and Sales of Long-Term Securities. The form is effective for reports as-of June 2011 and thereafter. The changes made were minor: two column titles are changed to clarify the content ("U.S. equities" replaces the word "stocks"  and  "foreign equities" replaces "foreign stocks" in the titles of columns 7-8 and 11-12, respectively); a few country codes are corrected (e.g. Greenland, Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, Bank of Central African States); and the style is made uniform across the pages.
  • Instructions for Form SPDF icon, effective for reports as-of June 2011 and thereafter.
Previous Form and Instructions:
  • March 2009 Form S PDF icon, effective for reports as-of March 2009 through May 2011.
  • Form S Instructions PDF icon, effective for reports as-of March 2009 through May 2011. The instructions include the changes mentioned in the Sept. 2008 Federal Register Notice, as well as numerous clarifications that affected almost every section of the instructions. One clarification explained the reporting responsibilities for the different roles in an organization (e.g. brokers, dealers, prime brokers, underwriters, end-investors, paying agents, custodians, fund managers, investment managers, and issuers): see sections B (page 5) and L (page 17) and the flowcharts in appendix III.
Additional Information:
Seminar Information:
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York held a seminar on September 20, 2006 ( agenda PDF icon ), that provided: an overview of reporting requirements for the S-Form and the various B-Forms; lists of common reporting errors PDF icon for the B and S reports; and discussions of how TIC B and S data are edited by FRS staff.
The TIC Form S is part of the Treasury International Capital (TIC) data reporting system, which is required by law (22 U.S.C. 286f; 22 U.S.C. 3103; E.O. 10033; 31 C.F.R. 128), and is designed to gather timely and reliable information on cross-border purchases and sales of long-term domestic and foreign securities by foreigners in transactions with U.S. persons. This information is necessary for compiling the U.S. balance of payments accounts and the U.S. international investment position, and for formulating U.S. international financial and monetary policies.
Who Reports on Form S:
Banks, other depository institutions, securities brokers and dealers, funds, investors, nonbanking business enterprises, and other entities in the U.S. who deal directly with foreign residents in purchases and sales of long-term securities. (In the instructions, see General Instructions, Section B "Who Must Report" for list of organizations.)
Historical Forms and Instructions:
Last Updated: 8/19/2011 10:38 AM