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TIC Form D and Instructions

Form and Instructions:
  • (NEW 5-31-2012) OMB approved the revisions for Form D in May 2012.
  • Form D , Holdings of, and Transactions in, Financial Derivatives. Effective for the reports as-of end-June 2012 and thereafter. There are no changes in the reporting requirements for the rows. The only changes clarify what is to be reported in two rows; In Part 1 of Form D, the title of row 2.a is changed to FORWARDS AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE SWAPS from FORWARDS, and row 2.b is changed to CURRENCY SWAPS in place of SWAPS.
  • Instructions for Form D. The reporting deadline is shortened from 60 calendar days to 50 calendar days following the report’s as-of date. The other changes in the instructions are not substantive. The text shows the changes from the March 2009 instructions.
  • Federal Register Notice of September 2011 invited comments from the public by November 14, 2011. The proposed changes were described in the section called "Current Actions".
Previous Form D and Instructions:
Additional Information:
Seminar Information:
A Training Seminar on TIC Form D was held for respondents in 2007 at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
The TIC Form D is part of the Treasury International Capital (TIC) data reporting system, which is required by law (22 U.S.C. 286f; 22 U.S.C. 3103; E.O. 10033; 31 C.F.R. 128), and is designed to gather quarterly and reliable information on the cross-border holdings of financial derivatives and on net settlement payments resulting from transactions in financial derivatives. This information is necessary for compiling the U.S. balance of payments accounts and the U.S. international investment position, and for formulating U.S. international financial and monetary policies.
Who Reports on the Form D:
All U.S. resident participants in derivatives markets that hold large amounts of financial derivatives contracts with foreign resident counterparties. (See Part I.D of the instructions for list of organizations included).
Historical Forms and Instructions:
  1. Previous Form D , Holdings of, and Transactions in, Financial Derivatives(effective for reports as-of June 2006 through Dec 2008). The only change in the form was an expanded list of countries in the country column; the instructions were unchanged.
  2. First Form D (effective for reports as-of March 2005 through March 2006).
Last Updated: 6/29/2012 12:34 PM