The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

Beamline Controls and Data Acquisition

Welcome to the Beamline Controls and Data Acquisition (BCDA) group Web pages. The BCDA group is part of the X-ray Science Division (XSD). The purpose of this group is described in the Mission and Strategy statements.  The BCDA web pages continue to evolve as we have time to add content and receive feedback. If you have any suggestions please email Joe Sullivan

XSD Beamline Controls Strategy

The BCDA group recognizes its most important role is to make beamline instrumentation work for scientists, so the scientists can focus on the delivery of scientific instruments and user science.  The full text of the XSD BCDA Controls Strategy Document is available online.

APS-U/APS Advanced Controls Workshop (Sept. 17th, 2019) is part of the group's on-going effort to maintain a state of the art strategic plan for XSD Beamline Controls. 

Mission Statement

The BCDA group Mission Statement guides the group philosophies, objectives, goals, and decisions, as well as shapes the group strategy.

To develop software and electronic hardware for synchrotron radiation beam lines that serves the common needs of APS researchers, and to implement that software for the APS beam lines. Our commitment, to maximize the measurement efficiency of the beam lines we serve, shapes the culture and character of our group and how we behave and make decisions. Through collaboration with APS researchers, we design, develop, deploy, and maintain control system software and hardware that capture and create economies of scale and keep the APS at the forefront of science.


Online EPICS Training


 2014-2015: APS EPICS training

 2004-2005: Getting started with EPICS lecture series

EPICS synApps


synApps: A collection of EPICS  Applications for use at synchrotron beamlines.

caQtDM: EPICS display manager used at XSD beamlines. 

 BCDA Motor Support


BCDA specializes in motor control and integrating motor  driven optical stages into beamline operations. 
Beam line Detector Support
Support new detectors with areaDetector driver development. BCDA also deploys and maintains the software for detectors in use at XSD beamlines. 


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XSD/BC Group Main Page