NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Getting Help

NERSC strives to be the most user friendly supercomputing center in the world.  Whether you've lost your password, are having trouble compiling or running an application or are a new user seeking advice, we can help.

Connecting to NERSC

All NERSC computers are accessed by applications that implement the Secure Shell (SSH) communication and encryption protocol, version 2, or by Grid tools that use trusted certificates. Read More »

Online help desk

The online help desk allows you to see the status and history of questions. Read More »

Consulting Services

Consultants and Account Support staff are available to help with a wide range of questions about compiling codes, running jobs, optimizing applications and just general advice. We're here to help! Read More »


NERSC staff send out email to users and put announcements up on our website. You may find the help you need in the archives. Read More »

Contact Us

Phone and email information for key NERSC staff members as well as contact information for technical queries. Read More »