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Northern Research Station
One Gifford Pinchot Drive
Madison, WI 53726
(608) 231-9318
(608) 231-9544 TTY/TDD

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Northern Research Station in my State

Vital Statistics for Northern Research Station

  • 476 employees, including 134 scientists
  • 20 field locations, including Baltimore, Chicago
    (Evanston), Philadelphia, and New York City
  • 13 research work units
  • 22 Official and 2 Cooperating Experimental Forests encompassing a range of climate, soil, and vegetation types
  • Forest inventory and monitoring for 24 states
  • Only Forest Service primary quarantine
    in the continental U.S. used for
    studying invasive species.
  • Only experimental forest principally used for
    peatland research (Marcell Experimental Forest)
  • A below-ground observatory (rhizotron) for
    studying undisturbed forest soils and belowground
    storage of carbon and mesocosm to allow for replicated and controlled tests of the effects of climate change scenarios on ecosystem function.
  • 2 Long-term Ecological Research (LTER) sites, (Baltimore Ecosystem Study and Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest) part of the National Science Foundation network for long-term, comparative study of ecosystems
  • Longest running experiments in forest

For more information contact

Gina Jorgensen
Assistant Director -Communications and Science Delivery
USDA Forest Service - Northern Research Station
1992 Folwell Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55108

(651) 649-5296

Last Modified: 07/01/2013

State Briefings