



Unclassified extracts from Studies in Intelligence Volume 63, Number 4
(December 2019)

Intelligence Today and Tomorrow

Major or Minor or...?
*Educators' Consider Alternative Approaches to US College Intelligence Programs [PDF 416KB]
Professors Jorhena Thomas and Nicholas Dujmovic

An Analyst’s Reflections on Forecasting
*The Limits of Prediction: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Black Swans and Love Analysis [PDF 439KB]
Bobby W.

Historical Perspectives

An Intelligence Perspective
*North Korea’s Nuclear Program: The Early Days, 1984–2002 [PDF 650KB]
Torrey Froscher

Secret, Small, Deniable
*A Matter of Trust: Covert Action Reconsidered [PDF 407KB]
Michael Warner

“No Boy Scout”
*CIA Operations Officer Lucien Conein: A Study in Contrasts and Controversy [PDF 910KB]
William J. Rust

Intelligence in Public Media

Truth to Power: A History of the U.S. National Intelligence Council [PDF 284KB
Reviewed by Roger Z. George

Leading Intelligence Analysis: Lessons from the CIA’s Analytic Frontlines [PDF 257KB]
Reviewed by Jason U. Manosevitz

The Targeter: My Life in the CIA, Hunting Terrorists, and Challenging
the White House
[PDF 273KB]
Reviewed by David T. Berg, Ph.D.

GOLIATH: Why the West Doesn’t Win Wars and What We Need To Do About It [PDF 289KB]
Reviewed by J. R. Seeger

A Brotherhood of Spies: The U-2 and the CIA Secret War  [PDF 269KB]
Reviewed by Clayton Laurie

A Guest of the Reich: The Story of American Heiress Gertrude Legendre’s Dramatic Captivity and Escape from Nazi Germany [PDF 298KB]
Reviewed by Katherina W. Gonzales

A Woman of No Importance—The Untold Story of the American Spy
Who Helped Win World War II
Reviewed by Craig Gralley

Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate: Covert Action and
Internal Operations
[PDF 258KB]
Reviewed by Gordon Bonin

Intelligence Officer’s Bookshelf—December 2019 [PDF 428KB]
Compiled and reviewed by Hayden Peake

Books Reviewed in Studies in Intelligence in 2019 (PDF only) [PDF 264KB]

*Splash page only with link to complete article.


David T. Berg is a CIA targeting officer currently serving as a resident intelligence officer at the University of New Mexico. His work focuses on terrorism, counterterrorism, and national security issues.

Gordon Bonin is a CIA officer serving as a deputy national intelligence officer for military issues related to South Asia.

Dr. Nicholas Dujmovic is the founding director of the Intelligence Studies Program at The Catholic University of America. He retired from the CIA with 26 years of service as an analyst, manager, editor of the President’s Daily Brief, DCI speechwriter, and CIA historian.

Torrey Froscher led analysis of foreign nuclear testing and weapons proliferation issues during his 36-year CIA career.

Dr. Roger Z. George is a former CIA analyst and national intelligence officer who has published several co-edited volumes on intelligence and national security and is author of a forthcoming textbook, Intelligence for the National Security Enterprise: An Introduction to be published by Georgetown University Press. © Roger George, 2019.

Katherina W. Gonzales is a CIA officer who has served in two other components of the Intelligence Community.

Craig Gralley is a retired CIA officer. He is the author of a historical novel about Vrginia Hall, Hall of Mirrors: Virginia Hall: America’s Greatest Spy of WW II.

Clayton Laurie is a former military and CIA historian.

Jason U. Manosevitz is a manager in CIA’s Directorate of Analysis. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of Studies in Intelligence.

Hayden Peake has been compiling and reviewing books for the Intelligence Officers Bookshelf since 2002. He has served in CIA’s Directorates of Operations and of Science and Technology.

William J. Rust is the author of five books about US relations with Southeast Asian nations during the mid-20th century. Learn more about them at

J. R. Seeger is a retired CIA paramilitary officer and frequent reviewer of books in the field.

Jorhena Thomas is a faculty member at Georgetown University, American University, and the University of the District of Columbia. Her teaching has been informed by her experience as an FBI intelligence analyst and as deputy director of the District of Columbia’s fusion center, as well as by other intelligence- and security-related positions at the local, national, and international levels.

Bobby W. is an analyst in CIA’s Directorate of Analysis.

Michael Warner is a historian with the US Department of Defense. He wishes to thank Josh Rovner and Kristian Gustafson, whose insights helped refine the analysis here.

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All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed in this journal are those of the authors. Nothing in any of the articles should be construed as asserting or implying US government endorsement of their factual statements and interpretations. Articles by non-US government employees are copyrighted.

Posted: Feb 03, 2020 11:53 AM
Last Updated: Feb 03, 2020 11:53 AM