Alcohol Control Systems

Wholesale Distribution Systems for Spirits

Laws addressing wholesale distribution of distilled spirits including State-run, private licensed sellers, or combination systems.

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Viewing Policies as of Date



Search policies as of this date:
[Limited to states with a state-run-system]
Policies as of Distribution System: Spirits Subtype
Alcohol Content Range
V=Alcohol by Volume
W=Alcohol by Weight
N=Measurement Not Specified
Overall By Spirits Subtype
Alabama (1163)
Alabama (1173)
1/1/2019State-run0.50%V - 100.00%N2 Citations
Idaho (1183)
Idaho (1178)
1/1/2019State-run>14.00%V - 100.00%N4 Citations
Idaho (1185)
1/1/2019License0.00%N - 4.00%V7 Citations
Idaho (1162)
1/1/2019Both>4.00%V - 14.00%V9 Citations
Iowa (1164)
Iowa (1175)
1/1/2019State-run>5.00%W - 100.00%N2 Citations
Maine (1189)
1/1/2019Mixed/Not Overlapping
Maine (1155)
1/1/2019License>0.50%V - 7.99%V5 Citations
Maine (1186)
1/1/2019State-run8.00%V - 100.00%N5 Citations
Michigan (1194)
1/1/2019Mixed/Not Overlapping
Michigan (1156)

Michigan defines "mixed spirit drinks" as containing 10 percent or less alcohol by volume, consisting of distilled spirits mixed with nonalcoholic beverages, flavoring or coloring materials and containing water or other ingredients. These beverages are distributed by wholesale licensees in Michigan.

1/1/2019License0.50%V - 10.00%V11 Citations
Michigan (1191)
1/1/2019State-run>10.00%V - 100.00%N7 Citations
Mississippi (1197)

The State Tax Commission in Mississippi has the authority to promulgate rules and regulations authorizing on- premises retailers to purchase limited amounts of alcoholic beverages from package retailers and for package retailers to purchase limited amounts of alcoholic beverages from other package retailers. See Miss. Code Ann. § 67-1-41(4).

Mississippi (1157)

The State Tax Commission in Mississippi has the authority to promulgate rules and regulations authorizing on- premises retailers to purchase limited amounts of alcoholic beverages from package retailers and for package retailers to purchase limited amounts of alcoholic beverages from other package retailers. See Miss. Code Ann. § 67-1-41(4).

1/1/2019State-run>4.00%W - 100.00%N4 Citations
Montana (1200)
Montana (1158)
1/1/2019State-run>0.50%V - 100.00%N3 Citations
New Hampshire (1165)
1/1/2019Mixed/Not Overlapping
New Hampshire (1208)
1/1/2019License0.50%V - 6.00%V3 Citations
New Hampshire (1205)
1/1/2019State-run>6.00%V - 100.00%N4 Citations
North Carolina (1203)
North Carolina (1159)
1/1/2019State-run0.50%V - 100.00%N6 Citations
Ohio (1166)
1/1/2019Mixed/Not Overlapping
Ohio (1214)

The wholesale distribution system for spirit-based beverages containing less than 4 percent ABV is not specifically addressed in Ohio statutes or regulations.

1/1/2019Indeterminate0.50%V - 3.99%V2 Citations
Ohio (1212)
1/1/2019License4.00%V - 21.00%V2 Citations
Ohio (1210)
1/1/2019State-run>21.00%V - 100.00%N3 Citations
Oregon (1167)
Oregon (1221)

The wholesale distribution system for spirit-based beverages containing up to and including 5 percent ABV is not specifically addressed in Oregon statutes or regulations.

1/1/2019Indeterminate>0.50%V - 5.00%V6 Citations
Oregon (1217)
1/1/2019State-run>5.00%V - 100.00%N7 Citations
Pennsylvania (1168)
Pennsylvania (1222)
1/1/2019State-run>0.50%V - 100.00%N4 Citations
Utah (1226)
Utah (1154)
1/1/2019State-run0.50%V - 100.00%N8 Citations
Vermont (1169)
Vermont (1233)
1/1/2019State-run>1.00%V - 100.00%N4 Citations
Virginia (1231)
Virginia (1161)
1/1/2019Both0.50%V - 7.50%V3 Citations
Virginia (1228)
1/1/2019State-run>7.50%V - 100.00%N2 Citations
Washington (1171)
Washington (1236)
1/1/2019License>1.00%W - 100.00%N13 Citations
West Virginia (1240)
West Virginia (1160)
1/1/2019State-run0.00%N - 100.00%N5 Citations
Wyoming (1170)
Wyoming (1242)
1/1/2019State-run0.50%V - 100.00%N3 Citations