You can search the entire EAR by going to the simple search page provided by GPO. Type "15" in the "Enter a Title Number" block, and then type the term you would like to search in the "Search For" block. Then click the "submit search" button.

Once you are in a section or part of the EAR, you can search for any term by pressing (Ctrl + F) and entering in the term.

You may save any file in the eCFR by clicking file and save. It will save an HTML of the file that is searchable. Then you will have access to the file even if you are not on the internet.

IMPORTANT TIP: Many defined terms in the EAR appear in quotation marks. Quotation marks hide the words in quotes from the eCFR search engine. This occurs with terms in either double quotes (“ ”) or single quotes (‘ ’). To make sure your term is found in all instances, include an asterisk (*) immediately following your search term or phase. This acts as a wildcard character and will ensure that your results include all instances of your search term within the EAR, even when the term is in quotes.

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