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Network Description

The Greater Midwest Region (GMR)is one of eight regions in the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM)External Link Indicator and includes: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin.

The program is a federal contract competition from the U. S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) External Link Indicator that occurs every five years. The University of Illinois at Chicago External Link Indicator has been contracted to be the Regional Medical Library (RML) office for the GMR for May 2011 to April 2016.

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Regional Medical Library

The University of Illinois at Chicago, Library of the Health Sciences has been the Regional Medical Library for the Greater Midwest Region since 1979. Each RML is expected to provide health science practitioners, investigators, educators, and administrators with timely, convenient access to information through the continued maintenance and enhancement of networks of health science libraries, which form the NN/LM. In addition, the RML promotes awareness of and access to electronic health information for the public. Included are activities related to planning, promoting, and implementing services within the region; coordinating the activities of the region with other regions and within the national program; and serving as a contact point for the region in relation to other library and information networks or health organizations and professional associations.

GMR Staff

The staff of the GMR office coordinates health information services and projects in the region. If you are in need of health information assistance, the GMR staff will refer you to a health sciences library in your area. Each of the five program coordinators serves as a state contact librarian to one or more states within the region, providing a point of contact for network members and health organizations in the designated states. If you have a question about the services of the GMR, ask for your state contact librarian when you call or email the office.

Network Membership

Full Members are health science libraries and health information centers that are regularly staffed, have Internet access and health science collections, provide information services, and participate in DOCLINE. Affiliate Members are libraries, information centers, and resource centers that are called upon for health information by their users.

Resource Libraries

Resource Libraries are designated institutions within the Greater Midwest Region whose quality and size of collections or uniqueness of materials add significantly to the region's resources. The Libraries play a primary role in regional resource sharing and serve as backup reference resources for smaller libraries in their respective states. They also assist the Regional Medical Library in planning, coordinating and implementing Network programs and by sharing their expertise. A full list of the Resource Libraries can be found here:

Outreach Libraries

A subsection of Resource Libraries have been designated as Outreach Libraries in the region for the current contract. These libraries assist the GMR with teaching classes on NLM resources, providing document delivery to unaffiliated health professionals, partnering with affiliate members of the network to conduct outreach projects, and exhibiting and/or presenting at community events or meetings of health professionals in their states.

Primary Access Libraries

The Greater Midwest Region includes approximately 970 Primary Access Libraries. These libraries may be full or affiliate members, and are located throughout the region, providing services to hospitals, professional organizations, businesses, universities, health agencies, and the public. The staffs at these libraries serve their local communities and institutions by providing convenient and speedy access to health information resources and a variety of related health information services.

Regional Advisory Council (RAC)

The Regional Advisory Council provides guidance in developing and evaluating programs and services that meet the needs of the region. The RAC is composed of representatives from key constituency groups within the region and includes the ten State Representatives. The remaining seats are filled by invitation from guidelines set by the contract.

State Representatives

One State Representative is selected by the Health Sciences Library Associations within each of the ten states in the region. They serve as the ambassadors for the RML and a point of contract for the GMR staff to facilitate communication with the state health sciences library groups. State Representatives also serve on the Regional Advisory Council.

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