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February 8, 2002
8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Bethesda, MD

SUMMARY: The Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) at the National Institutes of Health is announcing a public meeting to solicit comments that will assist the ODS in designing an overall strategy for implementing a Congressional mandate to foster development and validation of analytical methods and reference materials for dietary supplements. This meeting is intended to give stakeholders an opportunity to comment on the development of the strategy.

DATE: The meeting will be held on February 8, 2002, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

ADDRESS: The meeting will be held on the NIH Campus in Bldg 45, (Natcher) Balcony B.

  • Parking and Security Information: Please click on the following links for important parking and security information for the NIH campus.

Donna F. Allen
Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health
31 Center Drive, Room 1B29
Bethesda, MD 20892-2086
Phone: 301-435-2920, FAX: 301-480-1845


I. Introduction

This meeting is intended to seek stakeholder comments that will assist us in the implementation of an overall strategy for research, development, validation, and dissemination of analytical methods and standard reference materials for dietary supplement ingredients.

II. Registration and Requests for Oral Presentations

If you would like to attend the meeting, you must register with the contact person (address above) by February 1, 2002, by providing your: Name, title, business affiliation, address, telephone, and fax number. To expedite processing, registration information may also be faxed to 301-480-1845. If you need special accommodations due to disability, please inform the contact person when you register. If you wish to make an oral presentation during the meeting, you must inform the contact person of that desire when you register to attend and submit: (1) a brief written statement of the general nature of the statement that you wish to present, (2) the names and addresses of the person(s) who will give the presentation, and (3) the approximate length of time that you are requesting for your presentation. Depending on the number of people who register to make presentations, we may have to limit the time allotted for each presentation.

III. Agenda and Goals

Click here for full agenda

To help focus comments for the meeting, ODS requests that oral and written input regarding an overall strategy for implementation of an overall strategy for research, development, validation, and dissemination of analytical methods and standard reference materials for dietary supplement ingredients address the following questions:

  1. What are the needs of the various stakeholder groups?
    1. industry (manufacturers, analytical labs)
    2. clinical researchers
    3. regulatory agencies
    4. consumers
  2. Is there a tension between the needs of these groups?
  3. What should the goals of the ODS program be?
  4. How should selection of methods/reference materials be prioritized? (i.e. are there current safety, labeling, or other marketplace issues that ODS should consider in priority setting?)
  5. What contributions are stakeholder groups willing to make to the methods/reference materials development process?

IV. Comments

Interested persons may, on or before February 1, 2002, submit written comments to the Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health. You may also submit comments via e-mail to You should annotate and organize your comments to identify the specific issues from the list in III. above to which they refer.


This page was last modified on Tuesday, April 20, 2004.

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