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Phytoestrogens and Healthy Aging: 

Gaps in Knowledge

June 2-4, 1999; Tempe, AZ

Co-sponsored by:
Office of Dietary Supplements, OD, NIH
Office of Research on Women's Health, OD, NIH
National Institute on Aging, NIH
Wednesday, June 2, 1999
7:30-7:45 PM Welcome & Purpose Frank Bellino, NIA; 
Becky Costello, ODS/NIH
7:45-8:15 PM Ken Setchell Overview of phytoestrogen research
8:15-8:45 PM Gary Beecher Phytoestrogen content of foods: status of databases
8:45PM Social
Thursday, June 3, 1999
Cardiovascular Session - Ken Setchell, Chair
8-8:05 AM Chair's remarks
8:05-8:35AM Koudy Williams Soy protein: cardiovascular effects and mechanisms of action
8:35-8:55 AM Aedin Cassidy Soy phytoestrogens and cardiovascular disease - a review of the clinical data
8:55-9:30 AM Discussion, new data
Cancer Session - Lee-Jane Lu and Bill Helferich, Chairs
9:30-9:35 AM Chair's remarks
9:35-9:55 AM Steve Barnes Isoflavones: paradoxical estrogens and what else?
9:55-10:15 AM Anna Wu Phytoestrogens and cancer: review of the epidemiologic evidence
10:15-10:35 AM BREAK
10:35-10:55 AM Lee-Jane Lu Reproductive endocrine effects of soya phytoestrogens in women
10:55-11:15 AM Bill Helferich Dietary genistein and breast cancer; an issue of dosage and timing
11:15-11:35 AM Ed Lephart Soy-dietary phytoestrogens & a rodent model for prostate cancer
11:35-11:55 AM Cheryl Walker Differential responsiveness of the uterus to estrogens with age
11:55-12:15 PM Les Bourquin Inhibition of Colon Cancer with Dietary Soy: Animal and Human Studies
12:15-12:50 PM Discussion, new data
12:50-2:15 PM LUNCH
Bone Session - Jeff Tice and Sherry Sherman, Chairs
2:15-2:20 PM Chair's remarks
2:20-2:40 PM Gail Greendale The epidemiology and hip fractures and risk factors for hip fractures: a cross-ethnic perspective
2:40 -3PM Bahram Arjmandi Modulation of ovarian hormone deficiency-associated bone loss by soy protein or its isoflavones
Friday, June 4, 1999
Menopausal symptoms - Claude Hughes, Chair
8-8:05 AM Chair's remarks
8:05-8:25 AM Ellen Gold Demographic and lifestyle factors associated with symptoms in midlife women
8:25-8:45 AM Mara Vitolins Soy phytoestrogen supplementation; a possible alternative to traditional hormone replacement therapy?
8:45-9:05 AM Irina Zhdanova Do phytoestrogens affect cognitive functions and sleep?
9:05-9:45 AM Discussion, new data
9:45-10:15 AM BREAK
Regulatory Overview and Consumer Behaviors - Becky Costello, Chair
10:15-10:20 AM Chair's remarks
10:20-10:40 AM Susan Pilch Regulatory aspects of phytoestrogens
10:40-11 AM Nancy Childs Health claims and consumer behavior in the marketplace: a brief review
11- 11:30 AM Discussion
11:30-NOON Claude Hughes What do we think we know? What do we most need to know? : the role of phytoestrogens in the health of aging humans
NOON-1PM Research Agenda Discussion Claude Hughes and Session Chairs


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