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Brent Broshow

Brent Broshow
Assistant Director, Training Division
U.S. Marshals Service

On March 6, 2020, the United States Marshals Service (USMS) Director Donald W. Washington named Brent Broshow the Assistant Director (AD) for the USMS Training Division (TD). The primary role and mission of the TD is to provide training, educational opportunities, and enhance career development and performance for administrative and operational team members.

AD Broshow began his career with the USMS in 1996 as a Deputy United States Marshal in the Eastern District of Missouri. In 2004, AD Broshow promoted to Supervisory Deputy United States Marshal for the Southern District of Illinois. In 2013, he was promoted to Chief Deputy United States Marshal (CDUSM) in the Central District of Illinois. In 2016, he was appointed by the Attorney General as the United States Marshal for the Central District of Illinois. Later, he served as the CDUSM in the Eastern District of Missouri and the District of New Mexico. AD Broshow’s strong leadership led to strong working relationships with other Department of Justice agency heads, rebuilding trust and the reputation of the districts and the Agency. He delivered leadership direction to increase morale, building confidence, enthusiasm, and discipline in the district.

In January 2019, AD Broshow became the Acting Chief of District Affairs in the Office of the Director, serving as the liaison between the 94 USMS Districts and the United States Marshals Service Headquarters Divisions and Executive Leadership. In this role, he brought the voices and experiences of district leaders, Deputy United States Marshals, and administrative team members working in the field offices, to USMS Headquarters in an effort to ensure their perspective is included in decision-making processes and policy development.

As a member of the USMS Incident Management Team (IMT), AD Broshow held command level positions during responses to major incidents, such as hurricanes and Line of Duty Deaths. Throughout these deployments, he has successfully led more than 2,000 agents from over 40 different federal agencies.

AD Broshow holds a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Sociology with an emphasis in Criminal Justice from McKendree University in Lebanon, Illinois. He was a member of the National Honor Society, and played varsity golf and soccer, earning the Most Valuable Soccer Player Award two years in a row.