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Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture


Canada Geese
Goose nestTwo behaviorally distinct types of goose populations exist in most parts of the country: resident and migratory. Resident, or non-migratory Canada geese, are those that nest within the lower 48 states and the District of Columbia during March-June, or that reside there during the months of April-August. However, some resident geese will migrate short distances during the summer prior to molting while others may migrate during the fall/winter depending upon the severity of the weather. There are an estimated 3.6 million resident Canada geese in North America (2008). Migratory Canada geese move between breeding grounds in Canada and overwintering areas in the United States but do not nest in the lower 48 states.

Click here for detailed information about the biology and ecology of Canada geese.

Mute Swan 
Mute swanThe mute swan is an exotic species that was introduced to the United States beginning in the mid-1800s. The largest concentration of mute swans now occurs along the Atlantic Coast from Maine to South Carolina, and it has increased steadily since the 1970's. Smaller flocks occur in the Great Lakes region and the Pacific Northwest.

Click here for detailed information about the biology and ecology of mute swans.

Mallard drakeThe mallard is the most abundant duck species in North America and has adapted to varied habitats. The mallard survives in cold climates and is tolerant of human activities. Although the mallard is the most heavily hunted duck species in North America, its populations remain steady.

Click here for detailed information about the biology and ecology Canada geese.

Click here for detailed information about goose foraging preferences.

Waterfowl Surveys

Waterfowl surveyClick here, for the FWS report, “Waterfowl Population Status, 2011”




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