
American English

A resource center for teaching and learning about American English language and culture.



American Spaces

The Office of American Spaces oversees a network of more than 600 open-access cultural centers supported by the U.S. government.



For all past and present U.S. government-sponsored exchange program participants.




Designs, pilots, and spreads new ways to further educational and cultural diplomacy. 



Cultural Heritage Center

The protection and preservation of cultural resources.

Disabilities in Exchange Programs

Inclusion of U.S. citizens and citizens abroad with disabilities.



Helping students find information about how to apply to accredited U.S. colleges and universities.



Facilitated discussions around massive open online courses (MOOCs), Open Courseware, and other free online courses.


Host a High School Student

Learn how you can host a student on a U.S. Department of State exchange program.


Professional Partnership Initiatives

Long-standing partnerships with organizations that advance foreign relations and people-to-people diplomacy.


Sports Diplomacy

The universal passion for sports is a way to transcend differences and bring people together.


Study Abroad

Study abroad resources for governments and institutions, plus info for students.


Women's Empowerment

Learn about women's empowerment initiatives. 


100,000 Strong

In initiative to increase international study in Latin America and the Caribbean.






ECA's TechCamp program leverages cutting-edge communications and private sector expertise to build networks of influential activists around the world to advance shared policy objectives. Through participant-focused workshops and creative follow-on projects, TechCamp builds participant capacity to counter disinformation, support good governance, and mitigate violent extremism. TechCamp also boosts U.S. economic engagement around the globe by highlighting U.S. technical and private sector innovation



ECA Offices

Get to know the offices and divisions of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs by exploring its organizational structure.

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International Education Week

Find out how you can participate!

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