Satellite Simulator Control Working Group

The Satellite Simulator Control Working Group (SSCWG) is a government-industry technical forum organized by the GPS Directorate at Los Angeles Air Force Base.

The SSCWG disseminates information about GPS simulators, discusses current and ongoing efforts related to GPS simulators, and discusses future GPS simulator development.


Participants include the GPS Directorate, GPS simulator manufacturers who supply products to the Department of Defense, and GPS simulator users, including government personnel and defense contractors.

Participation in SSCWG meetings requires a U.S. national security clearance. For additional information, please contact the GPS Directorate (see "Point of Contact").

Discussion Topics

The following topics are typically discussed during each SSCWG meeting.

  • MNSA M-Code Simulators
  • ICD Requirement Changes
  • Security Requirement Changes
  • Current Issues and Solutions
  • Future Simulator Capabilities
  • Special Topics

Any special topics should be submitted along with registration to be reviewed for possible discussion.

Next Meeting:

Classified meeting
Registration required


The SSCWG convenes on a biannual basis.

View previous meeting announcements published in the Federal Register:

Past meeting materials are not available online due to their classification.


Los Angeles Air Force Base
Building 271
483 North Aviation Blvd
El Segundo, CA 90245

Point of Contact

Lt Edmon Gebrael
(310) 653-2236

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