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National Council on Disability - Washington, DC

National Council on Disability
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  • NCD is an independent federal agency working to advance the national policy goals enshrined in the Americans with Disabilities Act: equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and financial security for all people with disabilities.
  1. RecommendationsSee All
    • Sharon Wood Clark
      Hi all: Our government continues to disregard the parking needs of the handicapped--a protected class of citizens in America. If you care about over one-million drivers denied equal access to parking for offloading wheelchairs to "accessible vans, then you must step-up and be counted on our petition. WITH YOUR ONE SIGNATURE showing support, our numbers will grow to BECOME A FORCE FOR CHANGE. Because of flawed and outdated Handicapped Parking systems, people are parking anywhere they want in reserved spaces, and on striped loading zones, with total disregard for people with disabilities, and have no fear of consequences. Emergency priorities and ADA law loopholes tie the hands of law officers so that calls reporting parking violators often get no response. You can sign as "Anonymous" if you don't want your name viewed on the petition website.
    • Nedi Safa
      I'm requesting family photos of 100 real families like mine affected by AUTISM, for this video of the song I wrote. I dedicate this to my son.
    • Joel Goldstein
    • Carola Finch
      Law school admission testing discriminates against disabled people, says lawsuit
  2. The National Council on Disability (NCD) seeks input from the public, particularly Americans with disabilities, in determining the focus and recommendations for our 2013 Progress Report – the annual equivalent of our agency’s “State of the ...
  3. LikesSee All
  4. From time to time, NCD will share the policy thoughts of individual Council Members who have interest and expertise in particular policy topics. In recognition of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) we present the first in the series here by NCD member, Linda Wetters.
  5. "The positive response to “Rocking the Cradle” from disability groups, parents with disabilities and service agencies from across the nation confirms the need we saw to do this report and further bolsters our commitment to ensuring the righ...
    ts of parents with disabilities and their families,” said Janice Lehrer-Stein, Vice Chair of the National Council on Disability, the independent federal agency that issued the report. Thank you everyone!
    See More
  6. "On Nov. 6, there's a very real possibility that many Americans with disabilities will not be able to vote because their local polling places will be inaccessible. A report from the Government Accountability Office, revealed that only 27.3% of polling places were fully accessible on Election Day 2008."
  7. “This report highlights an awful truth: parents with disabilities are facing tremendous challenges and discrimination as they try to raise their families. The situation is appalling, and action needs to be taken,” said Stephen Bennett, Pres...
    ident & CEO of United Cerebral Palsy. “We commend the National Council on Disability for this report and for their efforts to bring this unfair and unjust treatment to an end. UCP looks forward to working together with NCD and other organizations to transform our laws and ensure that the rights of all American families are protected.”
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  8. "If parents with disabilities have cause to fear that they will lose their children, then they may avoid seeking medical and social services that they need, said Dr. Marc Maurer, President of the National Federation of the Blind. "We will continue to ... advocate for the needed attitudinal and legal changes that will make discrimination of this kind a thing of the past.”
  9. Aaron Bishop, the Executive Director of the National Council on Disability, an independent federal agency that advises the U.S. Congress and the president on disability policy, spoke Thursday at the Irving Schneider and Family Building on “...
    Disability Policy Beyond Politics: Building Blocks for a Better Future.” The lecture was very well-received, ending with thunderous applause and a variety of questions from attendees, showing the concern and interest that the audience members had in disability policy.
    See More
  10. NCD's "report uncovers the heartbreaking reality for too many families across the country – parents with disabilities are treated unjustly when it comes to their rights as parents, and far too many families are broken apart by outdated and discriminatory practices,” said Peter V. Berns, CEO of The Arc of the United States. Many thanks to Peter and The Arc for their support!
  11. Are you a disabled parent who has lost custody of your child because of your disability? NCD wants to hear from you! Write:
  12. Help the National Council on Disability (NCD) bring our new report “Rocking the Cradle: Ensuring the Rights of Parents with Disabilities and their Children” to life by submitting a photograph of your family to our new “Family Faces of Disability” photo album to be shared on NCD's Facebook page. With the “Family Faces of Disability” photo album, we want your photos that capture your family’s day-to-day life as a way to personalize the issues faced by parents with disabilities ...

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