ESA Section 7: Interagency Consultation in the Southeast United States

Section 7 requires federal agencies to ensure actions they authorize do not jeopardize the existence of any species listed under the ESA.

Consulation Process Overview.jpg

Flowchart showing consultation process

The information contained below will provide federal action agencies, or their representatives, with information and materials needed to consult with NMFS on federal actions that may affect ESA-listed marine species and their designated critical habitat within the NMFS Southeast Region (Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands). 

First, action agencies need to know which ESA-listed species or designated critical habitat occur in their project areas. A list of Species and Critical Habitat found in the Southeast Region is provided (click on link).  

Next, action agencies need to determine if ESA consultation is required. Consultation is not required if the action agency determines that the proposed project will have “no effect” to listed species or designated critical habitat. This means that a listed species or designated critical habitat will not be affected (adversely or beneficially), either because it will not be present or because the project does not have any elements with the potential to affect the species or critical habitat. If listed species or critical habitat may be affected, then consultation is required.  

The following sections are provided to help you determine whether consultation is necessary and how to develop a consultation request:

To submit a consultation request, the action agency should follow the steps outlined here: 

For additional help, we strongly encourage action agency staff or non-federal representatives who may need to do ESA consultations to contact us:

     Phone: (727) 824-5312

                (copy and paste email address above)

We are happy to provide you with assistance and guidance—before you begin the official ESA consultation process—to make the process easier, quicker, and more efficient.

Last updated by Southeast Regional Office on September 23, 2020

Endangered Species Conservation