National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)

Acting Scientific Director: Jessica M. Gill, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N.

NINR’s Intramural Research Program (IRP) seeks to understand the underlying biological mechanisms of a range of symptoms, their effect on patients and how patients respond to interventions. The NINR IRP is comprised of two major activities: The Symptom Management Branch and Research Training. The Laboratory of Symptom Management includes a broad program of basic and clinical research that addresses:

  • The relationship between molecular-genetic biomarkers, morphological changes in small nerve fiber and the severity of neuropathic symptoms
  • Relationship between pain and sleep in acute and chronic disorders
  • The biological mechanisms underlying a single symptom or cluster of symptoms
  • The subjective measurement of symptom intensity and its effect on patients
  • The response of patients to clinical interventions designed to reduce the symptom burden of an illness or its treatment and improve functional status and quality of life

Current studies and protocols under development are utilizing available resources and personnel to develop greater understanding of the molecular and genetic factors that contribute to pain and disease related symptoms, to evaluate the effect of these symptoms on quality of life, to evaluate prototypic interventions that may improve therapy and to develop patient reported outcome measures to capture these experiences at the level of individual patient.

Learn more about the National Institute of Nursing Research’s Division of Intramural Research.