PSL Monitoring Products and Datasets

Monitoring Products | Monitoring Datasets

PSL has made available these products which have proved useful for our research. They monitor various aspects of the Earth's weather and climate. Some are still experimental.


Evaporative Demand Drought Index (EDDI)
The Evaporative Demand Drought Index (EDDI) is an experimental tool that can serve as an indicator of both rapidly evolving "flash" droughts (developing over a few weeks) and sustained droughts (developing over months but lasting up to years).
Madden Julian (MJO) Monitoring
A MJO monitoring index is updated each day.
Realtime Boundary Layer Profiler Network:
Images from variables obtained by profiler networks over part of the US including winds, temperature and other.
PSL Real-time Satellite Products
Images from current satellites including GOES, variables such as SSTs, water vapor and other.
PSL Maproom: Current Climate and Weather Products
Current climate and weather maps for different time scales. Incudes means and anomalies. Animations are also available for some variables.
HMT Soil Moisture Measurements
Plot soil moisture and related measurements for HMT sites
Analysis tools. Most can plot the latest available data.


These datasets are at least in part created and updated at PSL to monitor the atmosphere and ocean. In addition to obtaining the data, you can also obtain maps or timeseries with the latest dataset values
Interpolated Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR)
OLR data (daily and longer) which is interpolated in space and time to fill in the gaps that typically exist.
International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS)
A collection of observed data, metadata and processed gridded values for the worlds oceans.
Monthly Atmospheric and Ocean Time Series
A collection of ocean/atmosphere and other useful monthly timeseries which can be downloaded, plotted and compared.
Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI)
An index that can be used to monitor ENSO. It is computed from ocean and atmospheric data sources and is kept up-to-date.
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Display Datasets
Various tools are available for plotting the different datasets we store often including the ability to do custom plots
Experimental climate and weather forecasts related to research at PSL are provided as a service
Climate/Weather Monitoring
Maps and plots of the current climate and weather along with some datasets are available.
Custom Weather and Analysis Tools
Composites, correlations, anomaly plots are among the many custom web tools we provide.
Compiled websites for selected Topics
Our expertise is used to gather and make available useful web links and information for selected topics.
