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Summer Genetics Institute (SGI)

To limit spread of the COVID-19 virus, NIH has urged staff to postpone, cancel, or convert upcoming meetings to virtual events. Based on this guidance, the Summer Genetics Institute (SGI) will not be held in 2021.   

Program Description

The Summer Genetics Institute (SGI) is a tuition-free one-month intensive research training program at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland. Sponsored by the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), the SGI provides participants with a foundation in molecular genetics appropriate for use in research and clinical practice. The program seeks to increase the research capability among graduate students and faculty and to develop and expand clinical practice in genetics among clinicians. The SGI features lectures and hands-on laboratory training. Last year's class completed 50 lectures and 10 lab sessions. On completion of the program, participants receive eight hours of graduate-level college credit.

Over 425 SGI graduates are making a difference in communities across the country -- building programs of nursing research in genetics; disseminating the results of genetics-related research in peer-reviewed scientific publications and at scientific conferences; and integrating genetics content in nursing school curricula and practice.

SGI Program Objectives

Participants in the SGI will increase their knowledge of molecular genetics for use in research, teaching, and clinical practice. Specifically, they will be able to:

  • Use molecular genetics methods in biobehavioral research in a laboratory setting
  • Analyze strategies used for genomic-based therapies and describe trends in the molecular therapeutics
  • Identify the strengths, weaknesses, and applications of genetic tests
  • Examine the ethical and legal issues related to genetic testing and genetic counseling and their implications for practice and research

Download the SGI Flyer


Video: Inside the NINR SGI

Former NINR Summer Genetics Institute students explain how the course helped them improve skills to further their research career.


Who Should Attend?

Nursing graduate students, faculty, and clinicians who are citizens or permanent U.S. residents may apply. Applicants should demonstrate potential for highly productive research or a clinical career. Applications will be evaluated based on the following: academic performance (especially in science courses), research experience, publications, recommendation letters (2), and a personal statement.

Please note: Although a GRE score is not required to apply to the SGI, all applicants must submit an up-to-date curriculum vitae (CV). Your CV should list degrees including university and date graduated and highlight research and work experience, publications, and scientific awards and honors. 

Note: Some files listed here are PDFs, requiring Acrobat Reader to view. Acrobat Reader can be downloaded here.

We encourage you to download and distribute our SGI brochure and flyer.


Although the SGI program is provided by the NINR at no cost, participants must make and pay for their own travel and housing arrangements and pay the costs of housing, food, and transportation for the duration of the program. Please see Housing and Transportation Resources (below) for links to resources to help participants plan their stay in the Bethesda NIH campus area.


We will update this site when more information becomes available.

Housing and Transportation Resources

The NINR offers the following links to resources to help participants plan their stay in the Bethesda NIH campus area:

Learn More About How SGI Can Change Careers

To learn more about how SGI can change careers, check out "From HeLa Cells to Nanotechnology: NINR Celebrates 15th Anniversary of Its Summer Genetics Institute," which appeared in the Nov./Dec. 2014 issue of The NIH Catalyst. The article features profiles of several SGI alumni.



Please see our SGI Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
For questions not answered by our SGI FAQ, send an email with "SGI" in the subject line to or contact:

Pamela Tamez, Ph.D., Training Director
NINR Division of Intramural Research
1 Cloister Court
Bldg 60, Rm. 268, MSC 4733
Bethesda, MD 20892-4733

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