FDLP eXchange

FDLP eXchange provides libraries in the Federal Depository Library Program with a one-stop-shop for the entire needs and offers process. FDLP eXchange automates disposition processing by allowing libraries to enter information on materials they want to discard and to have the process managed by an automated workflow. The application also allows libraries to enter information on materials needed for their collections or digitization efforts.

The user-friendly design includes an easy-to-use interface, as well as many convenient features. This includes options to manually enter records or upload spreadsheets from a library’s catalog, and the entire site is mobile ready. The automated workflow moves offers through the process of offering materials first to the library’s regional depository, then to other selectives in the same region, then to libraries across the country. A matching function matches one library’s offers with other libraries’ needs and provides notification to both libraries when there is a match. The in-site communication tool allows libraries to communicate within the application through an interface that allows colleagues to collaborate on requests placed with other libraries.

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