
Community Involvement

Habitat for humanity volunteers saw wood

Sandia values being an informed, compassionate and contributing neighbor to our local communities.

Sandia and National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia (NTESS) address the greatest challenges in our communities at our locations in Albuquerque, New Mexico (primary site), and Livermore, California. New Mexico faces many challenges including the highest childhood poverty rate in the United States. Lack of affordable housing and insufficient educational achievement are issues in the Bay Area near our Livermore site. We are investing our corporate contributions in the areas of Family Stability and Educational Success, recognizing that both are critical to a thriving community.

Community Involvement infographic

Corporate Contributions

corporate contributions plan front pageCorporate Contributions Program 2021 (PDF, 315 KB)

Sandia receives requests for grants on an annual cycle.

community commitment report front pageCommunity Involvement Report (PDF, 3.6 MB)

Sandia invests $1.4M annually into our local communities.