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Green Proving Ground

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  • Pair of hands holding onto a green globe

    2012 Preliminary Technology Assessments Now Available

    The Green Proving Ground program has selected for evaluation 12 innovative technologies deemed to have the greatest potential to meet GSA’s mandated sustainability goals while at the same time providing economic value. Link to learn more about GPG

Advanced Power Strips Decrease Energy Consumption

Desk-based technologies and other electronics that plug into receptacles draw on average 25% of total electricity consumed in office buildings. Power strips with schedule timer control offer significant energy savings and low simple payback, and therefore a strong argument for wide deployment.

Occupant Responsive Lighting Systems Save Energy

Energy savings ranged from 27% to 63% over incumbent technology. Offices with long operating hours and variable usage patterns offer the best potential for low simple payback and therefore a strong argument for targeted deployment.

2012 Preliminary Technology Assessments Now Available

The Green Proving Ground program has selected for evaluation 12 innovative technologies deemed to have the greatest potential to meet GSA’s mandated sustainability goals while at the same time providing economic value.

Wireless Sensors Help Increase Control, Decrease Consumption

A recent GPG study found that if wireless sensor technology were adopted by tenant agencies and applied across the entire GSA portfolio, it would save the American taxpayer $62 million annually and reduce carbon emissions by 545,000 metric tons.

Technology Assessments

Green Proving Ground (GPG) preliminary technology assessments:

Recently Published Findings

GPG has completed assessments of the following technologies:


Kevin Powell
Program Manager
(510) 919-9192


GSA's Green Proving Ground program will be accepting submissions of innovative building technologies and practices for its 2013 program beginning the Fall of 2012. Visit this website in the coming weeks for information on program objectives, selection criteria, and submission details.



The Green Proving Ground program leverages GSA’s real estate portfolio to evaluate innovative sustainable building technologies.


GPG, GPG Technologies, Green Proving Ground