NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey (NGS) provides the framework for all positioning activities in the Nation. The foundational elements of latitude, longitude, elevation, and shoreline information impact a wide range of important activities.

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image of satellite orbiting earth


Get coordinate information and the tools you need to work independently.

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image of lidar image with wide range of color values

Remote Sensing

Download data and critical information into nautical charts.

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image of traditional surveyinjg equipment

Land Surveying

View guidelines and get tools to support land surveyors.

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image of map of the United States with data layer displayed


NGS works closely with the global researchers advancing geodetic science.

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Image of a class room with an instructor

Training & Education

Classes and educational resources on scientific topics relating to geodesy.

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image of a map with a wide array of color values displaying data

Datums & Transformations

NGS defines datums to help align data and tools to transform coordinates.

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