Trade Data & Analysis
Get the latest data and reports produced by ITA's team of trade specialists. Data series and reports for both public and government use.

Trade Data & Analysis

Trade Statistics

ITA publishes a variety of statistics, use the links below to navigate directly to data relating to a specific topic. Preliminary 2019 trade data for Top Trade Partners and Free Trade Partners are now available (National U.S. Trade -- Tables below).
Exporter Database
Tables profiling U.S. exporting companies by product, market and location within the United States
Image of trucks in bay
TradeStats Express
National and State trade data, updated quarterly. Data for 2019 now available.
Toledo Ohio Skyline
Metropolitan Export Series
Exports from U.S. Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs). Updated annually.
Economic Research
Data and analysis on a variety of international trade topics
FTA Tariff Tool
Online tariff tool combining tariff and trade data for FTA partners

National U.S. Trade

Sub-National U.S. Trade