WAPA » Renewables » Webinar Directory

Webinar Directory

 Adopting community solar programs

​Feb. 4, 2015 — Utility Trends in Adopting Community Solar Programs

  • Audio file (49 MB wmv)

  • Powerpoint presentation (14 MB pptx)

 Climate change impacts

2014 Climate Change Impacts and Indian Country webinar series

May 1 - Human Health and Community Development

April 24, 2014 - Natural Resources and Agriculture

April 10 — Built Systems: Transportation, Water, Energy, and Other Infrastructure

April 3 — Disaster Recovery and Resilience


2011-2012 Geothermal webinar series

Feb. 15, 2012 — Geothermal Exploration Technologies – How and where are they being used in the U.S.

Dec. 14, 2011 — Geothermal Power Plant Operation and Maintenance 

Nov. 16, 2011 — Exploration and Geothermal Power Development


2010 IREC fall webinar series


2010 Wind webinar series

Tribal Renewable Energy Program webinar series


Aug. 5 - Best Practices for Developing and Implementing a Request for Proposals

June 24 - Regulatory Impacts of Renewable Energy Tribal Projects on Indian Lands

May 27 - Models and Tools for Evaluating Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programs

May 26 - Special Webinar: Fossil Energy Oil and Natural Gas Capabilities for Tribes

April 29 - Energy Efficiency First, Off-Grid Hybrid Power Generation Systems, and Zero Energy Ready Homes

March 25 — Tribal Energy Development Operation and Management Best Practices

Feb. 25 — Organizational Models for Tribal Energy Development

Jan. 28 - Best Practices in Developing a Tribal Strategic Energy Plan


Oct. 29 — Putting it all Together

 Sept. 24 — Successful Project Financing Mechanisms

 Sept. 10 — Sandia Modeling Tools

Aug. 27 — Introduction to Facility and Community Scale Project Financing

Aug. 8 — Project Implementation and O&M

June 25 - Net Metering

May 28 - Renewable Energy Project Refinement

April 23 - Identifying Project Potential and Options

April 2 — Renewable Energy Project Framework: The Five-step Process

Feb. 26 — Strategic Energy Planning

Jan. 29, 2014 — Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Market Update

Nov. 27, 2013 — Resources Available for Tribal Energy Project Development

March 14, 2013 — Western FY 2013 Renewable Energy Certificate Purchase

  • Audio file (34 MB) Requires G2M4 codec                              
  • PowerPoint presentation (2.9 MB)

Feb. 6, 2013 — Regulatory Considerations for Developing Generation Projects on Federal Lands


Oct. 30 — Renewable Energy Case Studies: Tribal and Developer Perspectives

Sept. 25 — Tribal and Utility Partnership Opportunities

Sept. 4 — Renewable Energy Market Expectations and Trends 

July 31 — Conducting Transmission Feasibility and System Impact Studies Webinar

June 26 — Renewable Project Leasing on Tribal Lands

May 29 — Regional Transmission Planning

April 24 — How Power Marketing Administrations Market Power and Work with Tribes — Updated presentations! 

March 27 — Understanding the Grid

Feb. 27— Renewable Energy Potential on Tribal Lands

Jan. 30 — Strategic Technical Assistance Response Team (START) and Online Education Program Update

March 14, 2012 — Western 2012 Renewable Energy Certificate Solicitation (74 Mb wmv) Requires G2M4 codec                              


May 30 — Today's Energy Supply — Yesterday's Grid" now online

  • audio recording (85.5 MB wmv) Requires G2M4 codec                              

May 23 – Regulatory Considerations for Developing Distributed Generation Projects

March 28 – Understanding the Transmission Service Request and Interconnection Queue Process

Feb. 28 – Unwinding Transmission Policy

Jan. 25 – Overview of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Green Power Program (5 MB ppt)

Aug. 17 – Challenges and Opportunities with Tribal Renewable Energy Development

Nov. 17, 2011Colorado's Renewable Energy Development Team (39.5 Mb wmv) Requires G2M4 codec                              

Page Last Updated: 2/10/2020 2:03 PM