WAPA » Energy Services » Borrow equipment

Borrow equipment from the Equipment Loan Program

Let WAPA's Equipment Loan Program make your job easier by loaning you the right tool for your project. Our tool library stocks the diagnostic equipment you need to hunt down malfunctions on your distribution system or to identify energy hogs in your members' homes and businesses.

Western customers can borrow:

  • Light meters
  • Infrared Cameras
  • Borescope
  • Power Quality Meters
  • Ultrasound Detectors
  • Fuel Cells

You don't need to be an expert, either—we have tools for every skill level from consumer to electrical engineer. Many tools come with computer connections or software to produce reports. We also provide links to online training resources to help you get the most from the tool you choose.

Visit Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about the steps for borrowing equipment.

Loan lengths are flexible, and long-term loans may be available for some tools.

  • Stretch your tool budget
  • Always have the right tool for the job​
  • Try equipment before you buy it

Make your life easier — call 720-962-7419 to reserve equipment today, contact the Equipment Loan manager​ with questions, or learn more about available equipment.

Page Last Updated: 12/4/2019 12:03 PM