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Presentations and Speeches

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See presentations and speeches given by WAPA's Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel and the senior leadership team.

Note: L​​inks are in PDF format. 


Dec. 10: Heartland Consumers Power District​ annual meeting -- Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel (transcript; video  )

Dec. 9: Midwest Electric Consumers Association annual meeting -- Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel (transcript​; video​ )

Dec. 9: Leadership, Culture & Advocacy​ delivered at EUCI Leadership Conference for Women in Energ​​y -- Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Dec. 8: Blocking and Tackling delivered at T&D World Wildfire Prevention Conference -- Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Dec. 7: Annual Customer Meeting

Nov. 18: Standardized Budgeting and Reporting webinar

Nov. 6: Colorado River Energy Distributors Association Board meeting

Oct. 20: Headquarters Ten-Year Capital Plan meeting ​​

Sept. 23: Mid-West Electric Consumers Association Board meeting

  • Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel
  • Senior VP and CFO Mike Peterson
  • Senior VP and Rocky Mountain Regional Manager Dawn Roth Lindell
  • VP of Power Marketing for RMR Dave Neumayer
  • Acting Senior VP and Upper Great Plains Regional Manager Lloyd Linke
  • VP of Power Marketing for UGP Lori Frisk

Sept. 10: Colorado River Energy Distributors Association fall board meeting​

  • ​Executive VP and COO Kevin Howard
  • Senior VP and CFO Mike Peterson​
  • Senior VP and CRSP Manager Tim Vigil

Aug. 18: Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems annual meeting​ -- Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

July 14: NCPA Legislative and Regulatory Committe meetin​g -- Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

June 30: Colorado River Storage Project 2020 Annual Customer Meeting​​

June 25: Colorado River Energy Distributors Association summer board meeting​ -- Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

June 23: Midwest Electric Consumers Association summer board meeting

June 11: Sierra Nevada Rates informal public process

June 8: Sierra Nevada Rates informal public process

June 2: Future of the Bulk Electric System​ delivered to National Academy of Sciences -- Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

April 2: Colorado River Energy Distributors Association spring board meeting​ -- Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel 

March 24: Mid-West Electric Consumers Association Spring Board of Directors meeting (conference call) -- Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

March 13: Electric Perspectives delivered to Hillhouse club -- Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

March 9: Sierra Nevada customer roadshow​ -- Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Feb. 25: APPA 2020 Legislative Rally​ -- Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Feb. 20: Arizona Tribal Energy Association annual meeting​ 

Feb. 13: Adaptative Management Work Group February 2020 funding update​ -- CRSP MC Administrative and Technical Services Manager Brian Sadler

Jan. 30: Colorado River Energy Distributors Association board meeting

​​Jan. 3: Irrigation and Electrical Districts of Arizona​ annual meeting -- Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel


2018 presentations and speeches

Dec. 12: Upper Colorado River Commission update - SVP & CRSP MC Manager Steve Johnson

Dec. 11: Midwest Electric Consumers Association Annual Meeting - Administrator and CEO Mark Gabriel

Dec. 11: Midwest Electric Consumers Association Board meeting - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Dec. 10: WAPA Annual Customer Meeting 2018 


Nov. 15: Safe and just culture Heartland Winter Conference -  Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Nov. 15: Investing in a connected future SMUD board meeting - Senior VP and acting SN Regional Manager Dawn Roth Lindell

Nov. 13: Energy and Civilization at UC Berkeley - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Oct. 16: Central Valley Project Power Customer forum - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Oct. 13: The future of the Colorado River - Environmental Protection Specialists S. Clayton Palmer

Oct. 5: Proposed Open Access Transmission Service Tariff changes​                                                                               

Oct. 2: Ten-year Capital Plan Meeting Financial Updates - CFO Dennis R. Sullivan

Sept. 20: Midwest Electric Consumers Association meeting​ - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Sept. 19: Olmsted Powerplant dedication ceremony​ - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Sept. 12: Golden State Power Cooperative meeting​ - SVP and acting SN Regional Manager Dawn Roth Lindell

Sept. 11: Department of Energy Spectrum Manager's meeting - Administrator & CEO Mark A. Gabriel ​

Sept. 11: Loveland Area Customer Association financial updates​ - CVP and CFO Dennis R. Sullivan

Aug. 23: Adaptive Management Work Group Update​ - SVP & CRSP MC Manager Steve Johnson 


Aug. 14: Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems Annual Meeting presentation - SVP & CRSP MC Manager Steve Johnson

July 31: WIRES keynote presentation - Administrator & CEO Mark A. Gabriel 

July 19: Inclusion, Innovation and Technology Summit

July 12: Financial updates: CREDA summer meeting -  SVP and CFO Dennis Sullivan

July 2: Financial Transparency Customer WebEx - Budget Analyst Tony Camp

June 20: Mid-West Electric Consumers Association update -  SVP and UGP Regional Manager Jody Sundsted

June 12: Mid-West Electric Consumers Association meeting - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

May 30: Flaming Gorge Stakeholder Meeting - Public Utilities Specialist Crystal Dean


May 22: WAPA Introduction and 2018 Power Operations and Maintenance presentations at Nellis AFB -- Public Utilities Specialist Crystal Dean

May 11: Providing value amid a changing energy industry - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

May 10: Providing value amid a changing energy industry - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

May 1-2: Upper Great Plains update -  SVP and UGP Regional Manager Jody Sundsted

May 1-2: WAPA's position on industry trends and changes - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Apr. 30: Providing value amid changing energy landscape - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel



Apr. 12: written and oral testimony - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Apr. 6:& Utah Municipal Power Agency annual conference - SVP and CRSP MC Manager Steve Johnson

Mar. 26: CMUA annual conference: The Future of Water and Electricity in the West - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Mar. 20: Mid-West Electric Consumers Association: Reflections of five years  and slides  - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Mar. 15: WAPA: Who we are and what we do - SVP and CRSP MC Manager Steve Johnson

Feb. 27: APPA PMA Task Force meeting: Administrator panel - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Feb. 14 2018 ARC Industry Forum: Protecting Industrial Control Systems  - SVP and SN Regional Manager


Feb. 1: CREDA board meeting: Responding to the call, providing value - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Jan. 25: Arizona Tribal Energy Association annual meeting - SVP and CRSP MC Manager Steve Johnson

Jan. 5: Irrigation and Electrical Districts Association: The Value of WAPA - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel  

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Dec. 11: Mid-West annual meeting​ ​-- Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel


Dec. 10: Mid-West Bo​ard Winter meeting​ 

Dec. 9: Annual customer meeting​

Nov. 21: Kansas Electric Power Cooperative​ annual meeting -- Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel


Nov. 11: Energy and Civilization​ guest lecture at UC Berkeley -- Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel


Oct. 16: Ascend Analytics Summit​ -- Transmission and Power Markets Advisor Rebecca Johnson


Oct. 9: South Dakota Municipal Electric Association​ -- VP of Power Marketing for UGP Lori Frisk


Oct. 9: Ten-year Capital Plan FY 2020-2029 estimates -- Vice President of Budget & Analysis Colin Marquez

Sept. 26: Northern California Power Agency annual meeting​ -- Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel


Sept. 26: 2019 Tribal Energy Summit​ -- Senior VP and Assistant Administrator for Corporate Liaison Dionne Thompson


Sept. 23: Burns and McDonnell Best Practices Forum: CPI as force for change in a dynamic world​ -- Chief Strategy Office Jennifer Rodgers​


Sept. 20: Kayenta II solar facility energization ceremony​ -- VP of Power Marketing for CRSP Tim Vigil


Sept. 17: Mid-West Electric Consumers Association Board of Directors meeting​ -- Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer Kevin Howard

Sept. 4: East River Electric Power Cooperative Annual Meeting​ -- Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel


Aug. 29: WAPA-wide Fiber Optic Partnerships discussion—Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer Kevin Howard

Aug. 22: Sierra Nevada Operations and Maintenance Governance Board Financial Discussion—Chief Financial Officer Dennis R. Sullivan

Aug. 7: Talking points for CRSP Safety meeting​—Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel


Aug. 1: CRSP EIM customer meeting​—​VP and CRSP Power Marketing Manager Tim Vigil

July 31: Desert Southwest cu​stomer meeting​—Senior VP and Chief Financial Officer Dennis Sullivan

July 26: Fiber Optic Partnerships regional discussion—Sierra Nevada Public Utilities Specialist Sandee Peebles

July 25: Energy Imbalance Markets in the West discussion—VP and UGP Power Marketing Manager Lori Frisk

July 15: Energy Imbalance Markets in the West discussion with Desert Southwest customers—VP and DSW Power Marketing Manager Jim Kendrick

July 11: 4th annual Inclusion, Innovation and Technology Summit

July 11: 2019 CAMU Annual Conference—Power Marketing Advisor Bob Langenberger

June 28: Hydropower 101, presented at Upper Colorado River Commission summer meeting—VP and Manager of Colorado River Storage Project Management Center Steve Johnson

June 26: Energy Imbalance Markets in the West WACM webinar—VP and Rocky Mountain Power Marketing Manager Dave Neumayer

June 24: IEEE 14th International ESMO conference—Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

June 20: CRSP Management Center Annual Customer meeting—All presentations

June 18: Mid-West Electric Consumers Association Board of Directors meeting—Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

June 5: EUCI Women's Leadership Conference—Senior VP and Rocky Mountain Regional Manager Dawn Roth Lindell


June 4: Central Valley Project annual customer meeting—Senior VP and Chief Financial Officer Dennis Sullivan

May 29: Financial Discussion to Mid-West Electric Consumers Association Water and Power Committee—Senior VP and Chief Financial Officer Dennis Sullivan

May 20: Fiber Partnership and the Broadband Initiative—Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer Kevin Howard

May 17: Western Regional Partnerships Energy Committee webinar—Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

May 15: Written and oral testimony for the U.S. Senate Water and Power subcommittee hearing—Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

May 14: Introduction to Colorado Governor Polis for DOE Cyber Conference—Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

May 9: Heartland Consumers Power District annual meeting—Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

April 25: Colorado River Storage Project Update to the Upper Colorado River Recovery Implementation Program—Steve Johnson, Senior Vice President and CRSP MC Manager and Brian Sadler, Administrative and Technical Services Manager

April 24: Financial updates & workplan review—Senior VP and Chief Financial Officer Dennis Sullivan

April 22: Celebrating WAPA's environmental commitment on Earth Day—Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

March/April: Upper Great Plains regional updates—Senior VP and UGP Regional Manager Jody Sundsted & VP and Power Marketing Manager for UGP Lori Frisk

  • March 20: Central Montana Electric Power Cooperative

  • March 27: Central Power Electric Cooperative

  • April 3: Rushmore Electric Power Cooperative

  • April 4: Upper Missouri Power Cooperative

April 15: Arizona Power Authority 75th Anniversary Legislative Luncheon—Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

April 9-10: Markets in the West Workshop and Investing in a Connected Future

March 28: Statement for Record for Water, Oceans and Wildlife Subcommittee on the Colorado River drought contingency plan—Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

March 28: Prepared Statement for Security Investments for Energy Infrastructure Technical Conference—Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

March 28:  Arkansas River Power Authority Board Meeting—VP of Power Marketing for Rocky Mountain Region David Neumayer

March 27: Statement for Record for Water and Power Subcommittee hearing on the Colorado River drought contingency plan—Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

March 12: FY 2020 written and oral testimony at Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources oversight hearing—Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

March 5: Mid-West Electric Consumers Association Board of Directors spring meeting   

Feb. 26: American Public Power Association 2019 Legislative Rally—Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer Kevin Howard

Feb. 7: Colorado River Energy Distributors Association Board Meeting—Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Jan. 24: Arizona Tribal Energy Association Annual Meeting—Senior VP and CRSP MC manager Steve Johnson

Jan. 4: Irrigation and Electrical Districts Association of Arizona annual meeting


2016 Presentations and speeches

Dec. 14: Upper Colorado River Commission Update meeting - CRSP MC Energy Management and Marketing Office Manager Steve Johnson

Dec. 8: Heartland Consumers Power District winter conference - Administrator and  CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Dec. 7: Mountain West Transmission Group panel discussion at Mid-West annual meeting - SVP and RM Regional Manager Brad Warren

Dec. 6: Mid-West Electric Consumers Association annual meeting - Administrator and  CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Dec. 5: WAPA-wide 10-year plan and funding strategy discussion

Nov. 29: Mountain West Transmission Group update - Contracts and Energy Services Manager Parker Wicks

Nov. 14: Civilization, renewable energy, WAPA and the grid - Administrator and  CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Nov. 2: Sustainable funding: Unobligated Balances Strategy - Acting SVP and CFO Dennis Sullivan

Oct. 14: Navy-Sempra Mesquite Ribbon Cutting  - Administrator and  CEO Mark A. Gabriel speech

Oct. 4: Administrator's Award to Moorhead Public Service - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Sep. 29: Nevada Rural Electric Association meeting - CRSP Management Center EMMO Manager Steve Johnson

Sep.29: WEIL: A Discussion on Markets - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Sep. 29: Mountain West Transmission Group update - Power Marketing Advisor Rodney Bailey

Sep. 23: Northern California Power Agency annual convention - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel and SVP and SN Regional Manager Subhash Paluru

Sep. 20: North American Power Symposium - Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer Anthony Montoya

Sep. 14: HQ 10-Year Investment plan - VP of Budget and Analysis Colin Marquez

Sep. 10: Video transcript: Reclamation's Yellowtail Project 50th Anniversary - SVP and UGP Regional Manager Bob Harris

Sept.7: East River Electric Power Cooperative - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Aug. 23: DSW All-Customer meeting: Budget Impact of OCIO Evolution - VP of Budget and Analysis Colin Marquez,

Aug. 23: DSW All-Customer meeting: Enterprise Risk Overview

Aug. 17: Western Regional Partnership: Discussion on Markets

Jul. 21: Discussion on Markets presentation to American Public Power Association - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel 

Jul. 20: Discussion on Markets presentation to National Rural Electric Cooperative Association - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Jul. 11: Sierra Nevada All-Customer meeting - Risk and Security staff

Jun. 30: Customer Symposium: Discussion on Markets

Jun. 21: Mid-West Board meeting: UGP Regional update - SVP and UGP Regional Manager Bob Harris

Jun. 20: Mid-West Board meeting - Administrator and CEO Mark Gabriel

May 12: Missouri River Energy Services regional update - SVP and UGP Regional Manager Bob Harris

Apr. 25: Quadrennial Energy Review Public meeting

Apr. 21: Arizona Municipal Power Users' Association meeting - SVP and DSW Regional Manager Ron Moulton

Apr. 17: Mid-West Board meeting - Senior Manager presentation

Mar. 30: Regional Update for Rushmore Electric Power Cooperative

Mar. 22: WAPA's FY 2017 budget testimony; also watch the testimony video                                                                                      

Mar. 15: Mid-West Board meeting - Administrator and CEO Mark Gabriel 

Mar. 15: Mid-West Board meeting: UGP Regional update - SVP and UGP Regional Manager Bob Harris

Mar. 8: America Public Power Association Legislative rally

Feb. 4: East River Energize Forum speech

Jan. 28: 2015 Year in Review: Position and Promise, Arizona Tribal Electrical Association meeting

Jan. 11: At Risk: Increasing cyber threats in the electric sector - SVP and CIO Dawn Roth Lindell

Jan. 8: 2015 Year in Review: Position and Promise, IEDA Annual meeting



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2017 Presentations and speeches

Dec. 20: WAPA's position on industry trends and changes - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Dec. 13: Upper Colorado River Commission update - Acting CRSP MC Manager Steve Johnson

Dec. 13: Mid- West Electric Consumers Association annual meeting: The Value of WAPA - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Dec. 11: WAPA Annual Customer meeting

Nov. 15: Implementing Asset Management: Successes, pitfalls and gaps - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Oct. 26: University of California at Berkeley: Civilization, renewables, WAPA and the grid - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Oct. 18: Bioenergy Day: Impacts of renewable energy diversification - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Oct. 18: Administrator's Award (to South Sioux City, Nebraska) - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Oct. 12: Market impacts on grid operations and utility industry - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Oct. 5-Nov. 9: Transformer Risk Strategy;  Also, see DOE's Strategic Transformer Reserve - Report to Congress

Sept. 9: Plumas Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative - SVP and SN Regional Manager Subhash Paluru

Aug. 30: Mid-West Electric Consumers Association: Powerful partnerships amid changing times - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Aug. 30: Mountain Plains Intergovernmental Audit Forum: Cyber Security update - SVP and CIO Dawn Roth Lindell

Aug. 24: Kayenta solar facility - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Aug. 11: North Iowa Municipal Electric Cooperative Association: WAPA’s position on markets and industry trends - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Aug. 11: Bonneville Power Administration Chief Technology Innovation Officer Terry Oliver retirement remarks - SVP and SN Regional Manager Subhash Paluru

Jul. 26: Western Clean Energy Advocates: Thoughts on markets and industry trends - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Jun. 29: CREDA summer meeting: Serving communities, saving communities - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Jun. 29: CREDA summer meeting: CRSP MC updates - CRSP MC EMMO Manager Steve Johnson

Jun. 20: APPA National Conference: Hydropower future: threats & opportunities - CRSP MC EMMO Manager Steve Johnson

Jun. 13: Mid-West board meeting: Serving communities, saving communities amid a changing industry - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

May 31: Mid-West Water & Power Planning meeting: Proposed 2018 rate process - Rates Managers Linda Cady-Hoffman and Sheila Cook

May 25: County Commissioner's meeting: Cyber Security Threats - SVP and CIO Dawn Roth Lindell

May 23: Colorado River Storage Project Management Center annual customer meeting - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

May 11: Missouri River Energy Services annual meeting - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Apr. 20: Heartland Consumers Power District annual meeting - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Apr. 17: Grid Modernization Initiative Peer Review - SVP and SN Regional Manager Subhash Paluru

Apr. 12: Power Repayment Study contract awarded - Power Marketing Advisor Rodney Bailey

Apr. 6: Upper Missouri Power Cooperative annual meeting - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Mar. 29: Central Montana Electric Power Cooperative update - SVP and UGP Regional Manager Bob Harris

Mar. 21: Mid-West board meeting: Reflecting on 4 years - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel,

Mar. 17: Power Repayment Study software customer update - Power Marketing Advisor Rodney Bailey

Mar. 15: Mid-West board meeting: 2016 Final PRS - SVP and UGP Regional Manager Bob Harris

Mar. 1: Water-Energy Nexus Conference - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Feb. 2: Colorado River Energy Distributors Association board meeting - Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel

Jan. 25: RMEL Physical and Cyber Security conference: Cyber Shock - SVP and CIO Dawn Roth Lindell

Jan. 6: Irrigation & Electrical Districts Association of Arizona - Administrator and  CEO Mark A. Gabriel


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Page Last Updated: 12/15/2020 11:30 AM