Proposal Calls

The submission window for General User Proposal Call 2021-B will close March 24, 2021. More information about the 2021-B proposal call will be provided when available.

The General User Proposal Call 2021-A closed on September 16.  Proposals awarded beam time will be scheduled to run January – June 2021. 

Currently, we are soliciting only proposals that can be run with remote participation and for which samples will be available during the award period. No postponements due to sample unavailability will be allowed. Each participating instrument has provided a list of experiment conditions that can be supported in remote access mode. In addition to reviewing the limitations listed below, users are highly encouraged to consult with the instrument team on their experiment plan.

Previously awarded proposals that cannot run in remote access mode will still be honored when the onsite GUP resumes. All awarded users should be aware that we anticipate more frequent schedule changes during this cycle than usual, to deal with unscheduled unavailability of staff or other support.


SNS Instruments:

Beamline Experiment Conditions that CAN be supported Experiment Conditions that CANNOT be supported
BL-1A USANS Only standard cells without temperature control or Peltier cell with moderate temperature control. No other sample environments can be supported.  
BL-1B NOMAD Standard NOMAD sample environments (Shifter, cryostat, furnace). Number of manual sample changes per day is limited, contact the instrument team to discuss. Regular mail-in proposals will be supported. Experiments needing gas flow (utube), in situ battery capabilities, levitator experiments.
BL-2 BASIS Standard BASIS sample environment equipment: closed cycle refrigerators or furnaces. Discuss complex or time-sensitive sample preparation with the instrument team in advance. Non-standard BASIS sample environments including cryomagnets, orange cryostats, low temperature inserts, or pressure cells.
BL-3 SNAP A survey of a sample at pressure and room temperature, or a coarse scan over pressure and temperature ranges. Experiments that require frequent monitoring of experimental parameters: gas above 3 KBar, some DAC experiments requiring frequent gasket and pressure monitoring (fluorescence); experiments where the signal is expected to be weak or that require expert sample processing or alignment (e.g. single crystal measurements on DAC’s or Paris Edinburgh-Press).
BL-4A MAGREF N/A (not available for 2021-A call) N/A (not available for 2021-A call)
BL-4B LIQREF N/A (not available for 2021-A call) N/A (not available for 2021-A call)
BL-5 CNCS Closed cycle refrigerators, orange cryostats, 3He inserts, cryomagnets, furnaces. Single crystal samples should be aligned in advance; for questions related to crystal alignment, contact the instrument team. Experiments requiring the use of dilution refrigerator inserts and levitators. Discuss the use of pressure cells with the instrument team in advance.
BL-6 EQ-SANS Stable fully prepared samples that can be run with standard sample environment (banjo cells, ti-demountable cells) using moderate temperature range.  
BL-7 VULCAN Required: contact the instrument team to discuss experiment before submitting. Use of the load frame may be requested but for safety reasons, the load frame must be remotely controlled by our staff, so acceptance of proposals may be limited by staff time availability. Frequent sample changes (i.e. many samples in one proposal), extreme temperature ranges (requiring close monitoring of experiment), complex sample preparation, and customized sample environments.
BL-9 CORELLI Closed cycle refrigerators, orange cryostats, 3He inserts, cryomagnets, furnaces.  Experiments requiring the use of dilution refrigerator inserts or high-pressure cell. Combination of various techniques should be discussed with the instrument team in advance.
BL-11A POWGEN Standard POWGEN sample environments (PAC, OC, JANIS, MICAS). Number of manualsample changes per day is limited, contact the instrument team. Regular mail-in proposals will be supported. Experiments using the AGES system
BL-11B MaNDi Experiments for which protein crystals can be shipped, or protein sample can be shipped to ORNL for crystal growth, or protein can be deuterated and crystals grown on site.  
BL-12 TOPAZ Experiments using the ambient goniometer in temperature range 90 K – 450 K. User provided equipment; experiments that involve complex setups requiring frequent monitoring.
BL-14B HYSPEC Closed cycle refrigerators, orange cryostats, 3He inserts, cryomagnets, furnaces. Single crystal samples should be aligned in advance; for questions related to crystal alignment, contact the instrument team. Experiments requiring the use of dilution refrigerator inserts. Discuss the use of pressure cells with the instrument team in advance.
BL-15 NSE Samples must be prepared at user's own institution and stable enough to be mailed to SNS.  
BL-16B VISION Standard VISION closed cycle refrigerator including basic gas loading involving small amounts of gas or liquid. Experiments using diamond anvil or clamp pressure cells. Experiments requiring use of user supplied equipment, high pressure gas cells, or furnaces. Experiments that involve complex setups requiring frequent monitoring.
BL-17 SEQUOIA Closed cycle refrigerators, orange cryostats, 3He inserts, cryomagnets, furnaces. Single crystal samples should be aligned in advance; for questions related to crystal alignment, contact the instrument team. Experiments requiring the use of dilution refrigerator inserts. Discuss the use of pressure cells with the instrument team in advance.
BL-18 ARCS Closed cycle refrigerators, orange cryostats, 3He inserts, cryomagnets, furnaces. Single crystal samples should be aligned in advance; for questions related to crystal alignment, contact the instrument team. Experiments requiring the use of dilution refrigerator inserts or levitators. Discuss the use of pressure cells with the instrument team in advance.

  HFIR Instruments:  

Beamline Experiment Conditions that CAN be supported Experiment Conditions that CANNOT be supported
CG-1D Imaging CT scans, 2D radiography with NO complex setup. Potentiostat for battery cycling may be supported on a case by case basis. Sample environments such as CCR and furnaces
CG-2 GP-SANS Samples in standard sample cells used at CG-2 (such as banjo cells); single crystal samples should be aligned at user institution; standard sample environments including magnets, furnaces, tumbler, Peltier and ambient sample changers, extended Q pressure cells with standard stock gasses. EQ-SANS furnace, rheometers, dilution fridge, and user-supplied equipment
CG-3 Bio-SANS N/A (not available for 2021-A call) N/A (not available for 2021-A call)
CG-4C C-TAX Closed cycle refrigerators, orange cryostats, 3He inserts, cryomagnets, furnaces. Single crystal samples should be aligned in advance; for questions related to crystal alignment, contact the instrument team. Experiments requiring more than two scattering plane measurements, multiple changes of samples, or complex single crystal alignment. Experiments requiring the use of dilution refrigerator inserts or pressure cells.
CG-4D IMAGINE Experiments for which protein crystals can be shipped, or protein sample can be shipped to ORNL for crystal growth, or protein can be deuterated and crystals grown on site.  
HB-1 PTAX Closed cycle refrigerators, orange cryostats, 3He inserts, cryomagnets, furnaces. Single crystal samples should be aligned in advance; for questions related to crystal alignment, contact the instrument team. Experiments requiring more than two scattering plane measurements, multiple changes of samples, or complex single crystal alignment. Experiments requiring the use of dilution refrigerator inserts or pressure cells.
HB-1A FIE-TAX Closed cycle refrigerators, orange cryostats, 3He inserts, cryomagnets, furnaces. Single crystal samples should be aligned in advance; for questions related to crystal alignment, contact the instrument team. Experiments requiring daily sample changes or complex single crystal alignment. Experiments requiring the use of dilution refrigerator inserts or pressure cells.
HB-2A Powder Standard HB-2A sample environments. Proposals with non-standard set-ups or multiple samples should be discussed with the instrument team before submission. Experiments requiring the use of dilution refrigerator inserts or pressure cells.
HB-2B HIDRA Mapping experiments typical of HIDRA can be accommodated; acceptance of proposals may be limited due to staff time.  
HB-2C WAND2 Standard HB-2C sample environments. The number of manual sample changes per day is limited, contact the instrument team.  
HB-3 TAX Closed cycle refrigerators, orange cryostats, 3He inserts, cryomagnets, furnaces. Single crystal samples should be aligned in advance; for questions related to crystal alignment, contact the instrument team. Experiments requiring more than two scattering plane measurements, multiple changes of samples, or complex single crystal alignment. Experiments requiring the use of dilution refrigerator inserts or pressure cells.
HB-3A DEMAND CCR experiments only with one sample per proposal. Limited availability due to high carryover.