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Welcome to FDLP LibGuides

There are three groups of guides in FDLP LibGuides- FDLP Information, Hot Topics, and Subject Guides. FDLP Information guides contain resources and guidance for depository libraries. These are intended to simplify your depository operations and help depository libraries provide services to their users. Hot Topics contain collections of guides on specific topics that are of current interest. These can include guides from any of the other groups. Subject Guides contain information about specific topics, including resource lists, search tips, and community guides. Community guides are arranged by topic and contain links to guides created by libraries and agencies outside of GPO. These are housed on the creating institution's websites.

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Requirements for Submission

Policies and Requirements for Contributing to FDLP LibGuides Policies Policies are subject to change as laws, regulations, and Superintendent of Documents policies change. 

  • All guides must contain information related to the Federal Government. They may include government and non-government documents on government, educational, or commercial sites, but must be weighted toward Federal Government information.
  • The majority of documents on all sites must be freely accessible to all users.
  • Inclusion of the following types of information will result in rejection of guides until it is removed:
    •  Classified information. 
    • Information designated as Official Use Only. 
    • Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Names, official telephone numbers, and email addresses are not included in this restriction.
    •  Documents that were intended for internal use only. 
    • Restricted materials, such as those from WikiLeaks.
  • It is illegal for anyone to violate any of the rights provided by copyright except where the Copyright Act establishes limitations on these rights. In some cases, these limitations are specified exemptions from copyright liability. Content creators (CC) must be attributed appropriately. Works with a "CC" will permit noncommercial copying and adaptation if the original author is cited as stipulated under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialShareAlike 2.5 License ( 
  • Consider tagging your guides with FDLP LibGuides before submitting

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