Upcoming Meetings

  • EDI Focus Group: December 4, Friday, 10AM PT
  • EDI Focus Group: December 18, Friday, 10AM PT
  • EDI Focus Group: January 8, Friday, 10AM PT
  • EDI Focus Group: January 22, Friday, 10AM PT

Bombardment History of the Solar System

Chair: David Kring

The surfaces of the Moon, Mars, Phobos/Deimos, and asteroids have recorded and preserved the impact history of the inner Solar System since their formation. Studies of the impact record on planetary bodies can give valuable insights into the ultimate evolution of the Solar System.

Dust, Atmosphere, and Plasma (DAP)

Watch Past Meetings Here!

Chairs: Jan Deca and Addie Dove

Understanding the dust and plasma environment on and near the surface of the Moon will allow us to better define requirements for surface operations, dust mitigation and radiation protection.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

Click here for meeting details and watch past meetings!

Chair: JA Grier

The EDI Focus Group considers key issues in science and exploration of The Moon and asteroids that are related to equity, ethics, diversity, inclusion, and social justice. Examples of these issues include: diverse workforce development; equitable, beneficial, and just uses of space for all humankind, creating and maintaining a supportive professional culture, and inclusive representation of humans in science and exploration including race, disability, sexual orientation, gender, age, socio-economic status, and geographic distribution. Our group is open to all interested members (science, industry, government, university, non-profit, sociology, educators, science-communicators, etc.) of the broader lunar and asteroid communities. The main goal of the group is to identify and undertake specific actions to manifest immediate positive change.

Field Analogs Focus Group

Watch Past Meetings Here!

Chairs: Tim Glotch, Darlene Lim, Jennifer Heldmann

Terrestrial analog field studies offer the unique opportunity to prepare for robotic and human planetary missions. Analogs provide the opportunity to conduct studies and tests related to science, mission operations, and technology in a relevant environment at relatively low cost and risk. The SSERVI Analogs Focus Group aims to bring together members of the community to discuss and review various aspects of fieldwork including, but not limited to, field sites, deployment logistics, field instrumentation, concepts of operations, software and hardware testing, etc.

Payloads and Instrumentation

Watch Past Meetings Here!

Chair: Pamela Clark

This focus groups aims to support discussion on cutting edge science capability, through expanding the successful CubeSat model, developing core technologies through the Office of the Chief Technologist, and promoting the further development of ‘microsized’ instruments as well as instrumentation for larger mission concepts. We also aim to support essential instrument development and determining physical and cost limitations for broad categories of instrumentation. Potential mission and launch opportunities over the next several years is also discussed.

South Pole-Aitken Basin

Chair: Noah Petro

The South Pole-Aitken (SPA) Basin is the largest known impact basin in the Solar System. With a diameter of 2500 km, SPA provides great scientific potential for extracting native lunar mantle material and determining bulk lunar composition.

Space Commerce

Chair: Bruce Pittman

Continued exploration and scientific research produces emerging markets and new opportunities to expand human commerce to the Moon. Efforts spawned from the Google Lunar X-Prize offer significant new opportunities for the lunar science community.


Watch Past Meetings Here!

To subscribe to the Volatiles Focus Group (Friends of Lunar Volatiles) mailing list, please send a blank email to the following email address: folv-join@lists.hou.usra.edu. You will receive a message with a confirmation link to click in order to complete the subscription process.

Water and other volatile constituents in and on the Moon and asteroids are resources for both science and exploration. They contain scientific records of processes and sources of volatiles in the distant past. They also are useful for producing propellant and life support for exploration initiatives.

NESF2020 – Virtual

LSSW – Virtual

Lunar Landing Workshop

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SSERVI Team Science

Did you know?

Moonquakes have been measured by seismometers emplaced by the Apollo astronauts.

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