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License Plate Reader Policy Development Template for Use in Intelligence and Investigative Activities

Cover Page

The License Plate Reader Policy Development Template for Use in Intelligence and Investigative Activities (LPR Policy Template) is a policy guidance resource designed specifically for law enforcement entities and fusion centers to assist them in their efforts to develop comprehensive privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties policies regarding the use of automated license plate readers (ALPRs or LPRs) in intelligence and investigative activities.  Justice entities are turning to LPR technology to help solve crimes, recover abducted children, detect trafficking rings, and support terrorism investigations.  However, when considering or implementing an LPR program, individual privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties must also be vigorously protected.  Justice entities should therefore put in place appropriate policies and procedures to guard against possible errors and other potential problems.  Such proactive work supports and enhances the justice entity’s ability to both fulfill its mission while also protecting the privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties of community members—strengthening trust and public confidence through effective and responsible use of LPR technology.

Developed by state, local, and federal law enforcement practitioners with LPR expertise and privacy subject matter experts (SMEs), the provisions of the LPR Policy Template are intended to be incorporated into agency operational policies and day-to-day operations. Each section represents a fundamental component of a comprehensive policy that includes baseline provisions on LPR information collection, information quality, access and disclosure, redress, security, retention and destruction, accountability and enforcement, and training. Sample language is provided for each recommended provision, as well as appendices that contain a glossary of terms and definitions, citations to federal and case law, and a draft model policy. 


Bibliographic Information

Formal Document Title License Plate Reader Policy Development Template for Use in Intelligence and Investigative Activities
Author Criminal Intelligence Coordinating Council
Date Approved By GAC 12/14/2016
Last Revision Date 2/7/2017
Version Number 1.0
Pages 51
File Format Portable Document Format
File Size 1.26 MB

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