Protect What’s Yours

  • Section 1 thumbnail Frauds and Scams

  • Section 2 thumbnail Identity Theft

  • Section 3 thumbnail Online Security

  • Section 4 thumbnail Fraud Alerts

  • Section 5 thumbnail Fraud Resources

  • Section 6 thumbnail NCUA Consumer Assistance Center

NCUA Fraud Prevention Center

Are you protecting your financial information? 

Each year scam artists and identity thieves steal billions of dollars from unsuspecting consumers. These criminals use the phone, email, text messaging, postal mail and the internet to steal your information or trick you into handing over your money. 

Learn how to recognize common scams, take action if you think you are a victim of fraud and learn what you can do to protect your finances from fraud.

Under the Federal Credit Union Act, promoting financial literacy is a core credit union mission. While credit unions serve the needs of their members and promote financial literacy within the communities they serve, NCUA works to reinforce credit union efforts, raise consumer awareness and increase access to credit union services.


NCUA Fraud Prevention Center