News and Feature Articles

2018 News and Feature Articles

Drought Persists in the U.S. Southwest

Map of United States showing drought conditions

Persistent drought conditions have spread across the U.S. Southwest, with the Four Corners area standing out as extremely dry.

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The New UN Climate Report in One Sentence

Global map of the 2005-2014 temperature anomaly

The essence of the recent UN/IPCC report about the planetary disruption resulting from the carbon that human activity puts into the atmosphere can be summed up in a single sentence.

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GISS Scientists Select Best Institute Paper of 2017

Image of journal paper first page

Scientists at NASA/GISS have voted the article “An improved convective ice parameterization for the NASA GISS Global Climate Model and impacts on cloud ice simulation” by Gregory Elsaesser et al. as the top work among over 180 research publications by institute staff published in 2017.

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Forecasting Fire

One frame of an animation of the GFWED Fire Index

The Global Fire Weather Database accounts for local winds, temperatures, and humidity, while also being the first fire prediction model to include satellite–based precipitation measurements.

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Will We Know Life When We See It?

Artist conception of an exoplanet surface

Thousands of planets have been discovered outside our solar system. If some of them host life, will we be able to recognize it?

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Waves of Dust Over the Red Sea

Satellite image of dust over the Red Sea

Recent satellite imagery showed waves in the dust clouds blown from the Sahara Desert over the Red Sea.

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Long-Term Warming Trend Continued in 2017

Global map of temperature anomaly

Earth's global surface temperatures in 2017 ranked as the second warmest since 1880, according to an analysis by NASA.

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