Move Your Way® Partner Promotion Toolkit

Help spread the word about the benefits of physical activity! Use our tools and resources to promote Move Your Way® campaign materials to your networks.

Tips for Promoting Move Your Way on Social Media

Use these tips whenever you post about Move Your Way on social media:

  • Always include one of the Move Your Way graphics, GIFs, or videos with your posts to increase engagement — no special permission needed
  • Download graphics and GIFs to attach to your Twitter and Facebook posts
  • Use the video links to create a video preview — no graphic needed
  • On Twitter, always include the #MoveYourWay hashtag and tag @HealthGov to increase impressions
  • Adapt messages as needed to align with your organization’s priorities

Find audience-specific sample social media messages, graphics, and GIFs.

Connect with National Health Observances  

To help your messages reach more people, use additional hashtags to mention relevant National Health Observances (NHOs). Check the NHO sponsor organization’s website, promotion toolkit, or Twitter account to find the official hashtag.

Find a complete list of NHOs, including some that are a natural fit for Move Your Way messages:

  • American Diabetes Month in November
  • Healthy Aging Month in September
  • National Physical Fitness and Sports Month in May
  • National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month in September

Move Your Way messages also pair well with holiday posts. Try mentioning:

  • Family activities for Thanksgiving and Christmas
  • Resolutions to get more physical activity in the New Year

Check out these example tweets to see how Move Your Way can tie in with NHOs and holidays:

  • Physical activity can help prevent type 2 diabetes. Watch @HealthGov’s #MoveYourWay video for tips on getting active as a family: #DiabetesMonth
  • This year, make a #NewYearsResolution to get active! Use @HealthGov’s #MoveYourWay interactive tool to set personalized weekly activity goals:

Sample Newsletter Copy

Use or adapt this content to spread the word about the Move Your Way campaign in your newsletter or blog.

Subject: Promote Physical Activity with the Move Your Way Campaign

Body: With all the fitness fads and conflicting health advice flooding our news feeds, it can be hard to catch people’s attention with the physical activity messages that matter. The Move Your Way campaign can help.

ODPHP developed the Move Your Way campaign to share key recommendations from the second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, released in November 2018. Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, Move Your Way emphasizes personalized, practical strategies that people can use to fit more activity into their busy lives, while clearly communicating the amount and types of physical activity Americans need to stay healthy.

And you can help spread the word! The Move Your Way campaign has resources for health professionals, organizations, and communities to reach adults, parents, kids, and older adults. Use our fact sheets, posters, videos, and interactive tools in English and Spanish to motivate people to be more active and start feeling the benefits of physical activity today.

Pledge Sheet

Use this pledge sheet to help promote Move Your Way in your community.

You can print out the Move Your Way pledge sheet to share at schools, workplaces, or community events. Ask people to write down how they plan to get active this week — then display all the completed pledge sheets. You can also ask people to take a selfie with their pledge sheets to share on social media with the hashtag #MoveYourWay!

Web Badges and Widgets

Add the code provided below to your digital platform and we’ll update the web badge and widget content automatically.

The Move Your Way Activity Planner web badge links people to our interactive tool to help them build a personalized weekly activity plan.

Move Your Way link: Want to get more physical activity? Build a weekly plan

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Move Your Way link: Want to get more physical activity? Build a weekly plan"/></a>

Use this code for Spanish-language websites:

Muévete a tu manera URL: ¿Quieres hacer más actividad física? Planifica la semana

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Mu&eacute;vete a tu manera URL: &iquest;Quieres hacer m&aacute;s actividad f&iacute;sica? Planifica la semana"/></a>

The Move Your Way Activity Planner widget lets people start personalizing their weekly activity plan right on your website. Then it links them to our interactive tool to continue building their plan. 

<iframe frameborder="0" width="400" height="556" id="mywwidget" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" name="mywwidget" scrolling="no" src="" title=" MoveYourWay"></iframe>

Use this code for Spanish-language websites:

<iframe frameborder="0" width="400" height="556" id="mywwidgetes" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" name="mywwidgetes" scrolling="no" src="" title=" MoveYourWay Spanish"></iframe>

The Move Your Way Parent Interactive Graphic web badge links parents to our interactive tool to see how their kids can get 60 minutes of activity a day. 

Move Your Way link: Are your kids getting enough physical activity? Find out!

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Move Your Way link: Are your kids getting enough physical activity? Find out!"/></a>

Use this code for Spanish-language websites:

Muévete a tu manera URL: ¿Sabes si tus hijos hacen suficiente actividad física? ¡Averígualo!

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Mu&eacute;vete a tu manera URL: &iquest;Sabes si tus hijos hacen suficiente actividad f&iacute;sica? &iexcl;Aver&iacute;gualo!"/></a>

Move Your Way® and the Move Your Way logo are registered service marks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.