Take Action

  • Move forward with the stakeholders who accept responsibility and bring resources to take action.
  • Check to see if your actions are increasing your resilience.

As you move forward, you’ll monitor, review, and report on your project.

Steps to Resilience
This content supports the highlighted step.

Implement your plan

  • Get started! 

Ensure that you’ve communicated the intended outcomes of your actions broadly, and then get started on your plan. Acknowledge the stakeholders who are stepping forward to build climate resilience. Generate additional support by involving civic groups or local celebrities who support your efforts. 


Monitor your results

  • Measure your effectiveness and modify your approach as needed.

Actively seek input and feedback to check if the actions you take are yielding the benefits you envisioned. Watch for early wins you can use to show the public and other stakeholders the efficacy of building resilience. Leverage these successes to gain funding and support for larger initiatives. Similarly, watch for any less-than-optimal results and address them as soon as possible.

Pay attention to factors beyond your control, such as an economic downturn that could impact your outcomes. Measure the effectiveness of each step and make any adjustments necessary before moving to the next phase.


Iterate as needed

  • Watch for opportunities to improve or recover from missteps.

If your actions aren’t producing the desired outcome, consider modifying your approach or making course corrections to your plan. As necessary, revisit your deliberations in each of the previous steps. With hindsight, you may be able to spot an oversight or miscalculation. If so, review your options, re-evaluate your risks and costs, and then decide what additional or different actions will help correct your course. Persist through setbacks to reach your goals.


Share your story

  • Document your process and share it broadly.

Through the entire Steps to Resilience process, your group undoubtedly learned valuable lessons about successful and sub-optimal strategies. Just as you learned from others through case studies and expert advice, others can benefit from your experience. Consider submitting a case study for publication on the Climate Resilience Toolkit or sharing your experience in a report or website.


Decision point

  • Is implementation of your plan increasing climate resilience?

If your answer is yes, congratulate yourselves and continue monitoring your results and adjusting your actions as necessary. If your answer is no, or you become aware that your process could improve, return to previous steps to identify and address potential risks.

References for Steps to Resilience

Last modified
7 March 2018 - 10:38am