Agenda and Submission Materials

The agendas and materials for the upcoming Commission meeting are posted to this page. For information on previous Commission meetings, see the Meeting Archive page. The materials shown on this page will change based on whether the Tentative Agenda or Final Agenda is available. Prior to the Tentative Agenda release, this page will be blank. After the Tentative Agenda release, project materials submitted by the applicant will be available. After the Final Agenda release, NCPC’s staff report will also be available for each project. Individuals and organizations wishing to submit comments or provide testimony at an upcoming Commission meeting should review the How to Comment page.

Upcoming Meeting Meeting Archive How to Comment

In response to COVID-19 guidance on gatherings, NCPC is conducting meetings online until further notice. Please read the procedures on how to participate in or testify at Commission meetings while NCPC’s offices are closed to the public.

Agenda Not Available

The agenda and submission materials for projects slated for next month's Commission meeting are not yet available online.

Dates to remember for the January 7, 2021 meeting:
The Tentative Agenda will be available on December 18, 2020
The Final Agenda will be available on January 1, 2021
Deadline to register to speak is January 6, 2021, 12:00 noon