The Federal Reserve Board is proposing to renovate and expand the Eccles Building and the FRB-East Building to address a critical backlog of upgrades, respond to changes in building codes and regulatory requirements, accommodate information technology requirements, building security provisions, advancements in environmental awareness and energy efficiency, and address increased utility demands and associated requirements imposed by an increased building population.
This page provides information related to NCPC’s review, including Commission meeting materials and documents associated with National Environmental Policy Act and National Historic Preservation Act processes.

Project Information

NCPC File Number: 8113
Applicant: Federal Reserve Board
NCPC Role: Review site and building plans in accordance with the National Capital Planning Act.
Project Officer: Lee Webb
Review Type: Approval
NEPA: Required
NHPA/Section 106: Required
Address: Eccles Building, 2061 Constitution Avenue, NW and FBR-East Building, 1951 Constitution Avenue, NW

Project Location

Project Materials